Memoir Monday: The Essence of Friendship

The flash from the Polaroid bounces off the red and white cardboard castle where two cats crouch inside, their pupils colored red from the sudden rush of light. A Siamese mix lays on top of a nearly purebred Siberian cat, his dainty white paws crossed to the left beside her whiskers. His ears are perked forward, and his brown and white nose pauses beside the Siberian cat’s ear. Both of their muzzles are white, but the Siamese cat’s fur is a few shades darker than the Siberian’s, who is of a pale cream color. He also has faint tabby markings on his flank, outlined sharply by the Polaroid’s flash. Despite the nighttime shadows bordering the picture, their sky blue irises are still visible and sharply contrast the crimson red cardboard.

Sinatra’s purr resonated throughout the quiet room like the sound of a heater buzzing in the dead of winter. He wrapped his tail around his paws, the tip twitching in endless restlessness. At the sound of Becka’s meow in the neighboring room, he lazily stretched and left his post on my bed in favor of her company. I followed him into my sister’s room, where Becka was curled up inside the red and white cardboard castle. My sister lept up from her bed, and as her eyes brightened at the sight of Sinatra’s lynx-patterned fur, she chased him into the same cardboard box Becka had proudly claimed. At first, both cats paused and seemed to be uncomfortable with the situation, but after a brief moment of hesitation, Sinatra stepped over Becka’s thick winter fur and began to groom her ears. Becka purred in appreciation and shook head slightly, as if to direct Sinatra’s attention to the fur between her ears, and he complied without a glimmer of protest. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of their friendship, their love, and I rushed back into my room in search of a camera. It only felt right to capture this friendship in a sentimental way, and the vintage feel of a Polaroid picture matched the mood perfectly.

Their gentle purring etched itself into my memory, a reminder of what friends truly are for, of what love and compassion can bring to a lonely soul. Sinatra’s generosity and Becka’s willingness to welcome him into her castle resonates as a message of what kindness can do, even small acts like these. Even though it may not have been Sinatra’s choice to join Becka in the castle, he accepted the circumstances given to him, and he did what he could to make the best of what he had, traits necessary for both our individual happiness as well as the wellbeing of our community.