Impromptu: Breaking away from my routine
My experience wearing a suit to school for absolutely no reason.
Photo courtesy of Vivek Bharadwaj
Senior Vivek Bharadwaj poses in a suit. He recently decided to wear a similar outfit but without a blazer) to school to change up his attire and escape his daily routine.
November 21, 2015
On a grey, groggy Thursday morning, I scanned the inside of my closet. T-shirts? Faded jeans? Not today. Through the haze of last night’s calculus cram, I reached for a plain-white, collared Oxford shirt — “This’ll do.”
Of course, grey dress slacks were the only thing that really paired with that shirt, so I grabbed those too. One choice of clothing led to another, and in an hour I strolled into my first period-class wearing a suit sans blazer topped off with a tapered black bow tie. For no reason at all.
There was nothing extraordinary or strange about that Thursday, save for my attire. Well, that’s not entirely true; every conversation I had began with:
“Debate tournament?”
“Then why the suit?”
I explained to most of them that I had just woken up that morning and decided to wear it. The reactions ranged from enthusiasm to puzzled confoundment and, in the case of one person, even serious fear that I had finally gone around the bend. In any case, nearly everyone asked the same question: “why?”
Sure, I could call it an “experiment in fashion”, since I wear some combination of stripes and jeans for the other 154 days of the school year. Truthfully, on that dismal Thursday morning, I pictured myself in the movie Groundhog Day. In the film, Bill Murray plays a man who lives out the same day, Feb. 1, over and over again. Every night, the world rewinds 24 hours, forcing him to relive the same interactions and events repeatedly.
As school falls into a routine and Thursday the 8th might as well be Thursday the 15th or Thursday the 36th, every day is really indistinguishable from day before or the day after. I wake up every morning, go through classes and homework, relax, and then hit the sack to do it all over again.
The world around me can move in cycles, and I’m okay with that. That won’t stop me from breaking the monotony, putting a taste of the surreal into my world every once in a while. When I walk into my closet with that urge to shake up my outfit, it won’t be planned. It won’t be to attract attention or because I’ve seriously lost my sanity.
It’ll just be a burst of spontaneity.
This piece was originally published in the pages of the Winged Post on November 20, 2015.