Did you know: Helena Dworak cycles her way through senior year

Seniors Maya Jeyendran and Helena Dworak pose with a sign promoting SoulCycle. Both of them took classes at the Palo Alto SoulCycle location.

Courtesy of Helena Dworak

Seniors Maya Jeyendran and Helena Dworak pose with a sign promoting SoulCycle. Both of them took classes at the Palo Alto SoulCycle location.

Senior Helena Dworak spends much of her week at SoulCycle, an indoor-cycling company that aims to mix fitness with a variety of elements, including motivational sayings and the thrill of a dance party.

The company combines the use of stationary bikes in pitch-black rooms with club-style music and motivated instructors. The most popular offerings are the 45 minute classes, which involve nonstop pedaling in sync with instructors and the music.

SoulCycle began in New York, but has quickly gained popularity with Bay Area natives. It leads in the nationwide luxury-exercise trend, mainly receiving support from the upper-class. Their clients include entertainment star Lady Gaga and politician Chelsea Clinton.

Helena is an avid member of SoulCycle, attending classes multiple times a week. She shares how she has made SoulCycle her second home.

“I started [SoulCycle] because I googled what [it] was and decided to take a class, and then once I met people, we’ve kind of become a tribe,” she said.

Helena Dworak (12) and fellow members of her SoulCycle class volunteer at Family Dog Rescue. The SoulCycle community is tight-knit.
Courtesy of Helena Dworak
Helena Dworak (12) and fellow members of her SoulCycle class volunteer at Family Dog Rescue. The SoulCycle community is tight-knit.

Although Helena remains one of the youngest people enrolled in the classes, she continues to attend due to the camaraderie she has formed with fellow attendees.

“The average age is about thirty. My friends there, the youngest is 25 and the oldest is about 65,” she said. “My crew, we call ourselves the Palo Crew, which is the nickname for the Palo Alto studio, all ride together during certain times, so I make sure to take those classes, typically on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.”

Helena has a grueling workout schedule, attending SoulCycle classes six times a week during her water polo season and nine times a week throughout the rest of the year. She elaborated on the structure of classes offered at SoulCycle Palo Alto, one of the five Bay Area locations of the nationwide company.

“There are 45 minute classes, about six to ten a day depending on what studio you go to,” Helena said. “You go there and ride for 45 minutes; there’s usually a three minute [break] and then you leave.”

Classes begin with instruction on bike riding fundamentals, including proper form and cycling to the beat. Eventually, SoulCycle attendees work their way into advanced classes that incorporate fast beats and choreography.

Helena recommends that other students take part in the SoulCycle experience, offering advice on how to make the most of the classes.

“Don’t put too much pressure on yourself,” she said. “The advanced riders in the room expect nothing from the brand new riders, and everyone is going to be encouraging. Bring a friend; it’s always great to have someone you know there and to struggle with.”