Harker Spirit undergoes change in structure to encourage participation
Activities Coordinator Kerry Enzensperger, Assistant to Activities Coordinator Eric Kallbrier, President Layla Walker (12) and Vice President Arben Gutierrez-Bujari (11) gather in Kerry’s room to discuss upcoming spirit events. The leadership team also collaborates with all class Spirit Coordinators so that students of each grade can participate as much as possible.
Harker Spirit revamped its leadership structure this year in order to create a positive “school-wide program that encompasses every single member of the community,” according to Assistant to Activities Coordinator Eric Kallbrier.
Driven by the goal of more inclusivity and participation in spirit, Harker Spirit President Layla Walker (12) and Vice President Arben Gutierrez-Bujari hope to generate more participation in spirit this upcoming year.
“We saw spirit and we saw the joy that it could bring us, but we felt that it wasn’t reaching the whole of the Harker community, and that really is what we want,” Layla said. “We want to give everybody an opportunity to have something outside of classes to bring just a little bit of joy to their life.”
Now that the organization extends to the entire student body, the leadership team created the Competitive Events Committee, Community Events Committee and Athletic Affairs Committee to cover all aspects of spirit. The Competitive Events Committee takes care of the class competitions often held during Wednesday long lunch. The Community Events Committee oversees off-campus recreational activities, such as movie night, ice skating and beach trips. The Athletic Affairs Committee is in charge of encouraging people to attend sports games and support their fellow classmates. Two additional Public Relations directors were also added to the officer board.
The heads of Athletic Affairs Shannon Richardson (12) and Oisin Coveney (12) also manage the new group Harker’s Sport Supporters, which offers sports fans a concrete place to cheer for their friends at games. They succeeded in gathering a large group of students at last Friday’s football game against Yerba Buena.

A throng of students roar after the Eagles score a goal. The people behind Harker’s Sports Supporters helped to provide pompoms for fans to cheer on athletes as well as promote the game on social media.
Harker Spirit also experienced a growth of over 100 people compared to last year at Spirit Kickoff on August 28.
“That just shows that there’s an interest in having something on campus that is going to reach out to students and give them a place to bond and have stress-free opportunities to compete with one another in a more positive spirit,” Kallbrier said.
With a new freshman officer, the leadership team hopes to welcome the Class of 2019 into the world of spirit.
“If there weren’t a freshman, then I’m not sure how many freshmen would show up because they might be kind of not willing, like nervous in a new atmosphere, and they would not want to go out as much,” Public Relations officer Andrew Skrobak (9) said.

Facing off the junior class, sophomore Brandon Mo gets ready to fling the ball during the dodgeball tournament. Spirit Kickoff had an increase of 100 people compared to last year’s turnout.
Harker Spirit has also developed new ways to suit the needs of different individuals in the student body.
“One thing that they’re working is low risk, medium risk, high risk,” Activities Coordinator Kerry Enzensperger said. “[They’re trying] to encompass the entire student body at different levels of their comfort for going out and doing spirit activities. Not everybody wants to get up and make a fool of themselves, so maybe there’ll be a different competition like a Rubik’s cube—who can solve it fastest.”
Harker Sport’s Supporters will also be present at today’s home game against Del Mar at 7 p.m. Check Harker Spirit’s Instagram here or Harker Sport’s Supporters Facebook page here for more updates.

Kathy Duan is a senior and Co-Editor-in-Chief for TALON Yearbook. After three years on staff, she practically lives in the journalism room. She enjoys...
Jonathan Dai (12) is the editor-in-chief of TALON. This is his fourth year in journalism, and he was previously the photo editor. In his free time, he...
Sharon Yan is a junior and Co-Student Life Editor for TALON Yearbook. This is Sharon's third year on staff. In her free time, Sharon enjoys hanging out...