Looking into homecoming court nominations

Courtesy of Lindsey Trinh

Davis Howard (11) and Lindsey Trinh (11) wave to the crowd during the 2014 Homecoming game. Davis and Lindsey were the class of 2017’s prince and princess in 2014.

The annual selection of the homecoming court, a longstanding Harker tradition, is well underway, with voting now open to students from all grades.

Each grade will select one boy and one girl to represent their class as prince and princess respectively. The senior class chooses three boys and three girls, with one student of each gender being crowned Homecoming King and Queen.

“Everyone gets really excited for Homecoming, and nominating people in your class who you think is a good representative is a fun way for the school to start the year off,” Alisa Wakita (12) said. “The people who get nominated are unpredictable and it’s fun to see who [does].”

Harker Spirit President Layla Walker (12) and Vice President Arben Gutierrez (11) explain the significance of homecoming court for those who are selected to represent their class.

Freshman Matthew Hajjar reflected on his first experience with homecoming court elections.

“I’m so excited. I can’t wait to see how it turns out,” Matthew Hajjar (9) said. “I think [homecoming court] means that the school knows who you are.”

Other students who are well-versed with the nominations expressed their opinion on the message that homecoming court sends to the student body.

“I think homecoming court is people who represent your grade that you’re proud to show off in front of all the other classes,” Melinda Wisdom (11) said. “[They’re] people who are always putting a good foot forward.”

Students can currently nominate others in their grade through an online ballot, and results will be announced next week.