Students prepare for finals next week

With the final exams approaching quickly, we take a look into the thought around campus about these important tests.

This set of tests are the first high school finals the freshman are taking, so pressure is mounting as the time to study begins to run out.

“I’m scared, “ freshman Randy Zhao said. “There’s more pressure to actually study because this actually counts, unlike in the middle school because now your finals actually matter for your GPA.”

Freshman Sohenee Banerjee has a studying strategy.

“I’m reviewing all my tests and quizzes and the worksheets we were given in class during lessons,” Sohenee said. “And I’m also going over any exam reviews teachers have given me.”

Although the sophomores have experienced high school finals before, this will be the first time many of them are taking AP level exams.

“I’m kind of nervous about it because I have two APs,” Niki Iyer (10) said. “Its a huge exam but I’m a sophomore so I know how to do it. ”

With finals worth a large portion of a student’s grade, and the junior year one of the most important years, junior Zeyad El-Arabaty gives insight about these upcoming exams.

“I’m studying a bit every night of every subject,” Zeyad said. “They’re really important because its the junior year; it’s a really critical point in High School, so I have to take them seriously.”

Without the requirement to take finals, the seniors are feeling much less pressure on test taking, and much more on college applications.

“Its really great to not have to worry about finals and college apps.” senior Sarah Bean said. “If you’ve paid attention during class throughout the year in class you should have no problem with finals. Spend a few hours studying them and you’ll do fine.”

English teacher Ben Spencer-Cooke gives tips on how to study for the final.

“In terms of getting ready I would take as much guidance as possible from the teacher,” Spencer-Cooke said. “The teachers are going to really guide you in terms of getting through the final.”

Although finals may be speeding toward us, we can all be thankful that we will not have to study during the winter break.