Keller’s Korner – 5/1

Students had the opportunity to enjoy the annual art show and the Upper School choir concert last week. Additionally, the teachers received recognition and appreciation for all of their hard work throughout the year Teacher Appreciation Day, which took place on Friday.
We had some pretty big school wide community events, the art exhibit the “artstravaganza” was pretty amazing when you think about the talent our students have it just blew everybody away and the addition of the poetry reading and the short stories that was exciting for me. I know that Mr. Nikoloff, Ms. Gargano, and all of the teachers that were there everyone enjoyed it so that was a big deal for our community.
The “artstravaganza” featured multiple mediums including photography, sculpture, and paint. During long lunch when the exhibit winners were announced, some of the Upper School scholastic and HELM writers read parts of their work.
The student council held a breakfast Friday morning to thank the teachers for all of their work. All students had the option to write thank you notes on colorful postits to a teacher, that were posted on a board outside of the Edge for teachers to see.
[For] the Teacher Appreciation breakfast, the student council really blew the doors off of it this year and the teachers really enjoyed it. Thanks to all the students who wrote notes to their teachers and it’s really important for the teachers when they get positive feedback from students.
Also on Friday was the Upper School Spring Concert. “The concert is going to be amazing,” Keller said the morning of the show. Performing arts groups, including Downbeat, Cantilena, Camerata, and Guys’ Gig, performed a medley of songs for the audiences entertainment.

Alyssa Amick (12) is the Co- Editor in Chief of Harker Aquila. She has been part of the journalism program since her freshman year. Her favorite part of...