School Meeting Recap – 4/21
Sophomore Melina Nakos speaks about disability awareness. Melina will become the new leader of the Disability Awareness Program this fall.
Global Empowerment Outreach (GEO) is fundraising as part of its club week to assist the Somaly Mam Foundation, which aims to prevent sex trafficking in Southeast Asia. Members of the club are selling baked goods in addition to temporary tattoos meant to look like barcodes throughout the week.
As part of winning grand prizes during last month’s Research Symposium, students Andrew Jin (11), Nitya Mani (11), Varun Mohan (12), Sriram Somasundaram (11), and Steven Wang (11), have qualified for the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, which will take place in Los Angeles.
Sophomore Melina Nakos was introduced as next year’s leader of the Disability Awareness Program (DAP) by current leader Zina Jawadi (12). Melina aims to eliminate ignorance and bias towards disabilities at Harker.
In honor of Earth Week, students are encouraged to use the wet and dry trash bins appropriately by placing compostable items into the green bins and other items into the blue bins.
This year’s musical, The Wedding Singer, will take place at the Blackford Theater this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7 p.m.and Saturday at 2 p.m. Tickets are available in Manzanita during lunch throughout the week and will also be sold online.
Results for spirit week feature sophomores in fourth place, freshmen in third place, juniors in second place, and seniors in first place.
There is an alternate schedule on Wednesday for student council speeches.
Maya Jeyendran (11) is the Lifestyle Editor of Harker Aquila. She been a part of Harker's journalism program since her freshman year, and has previously...

Sheridan Tobin is the co-Editor in Chief of The Winged Post. She is a senior and this is her fourth year on staff. She was the Global Editor and Opinion...