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The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Insomnia disrupts brain waves, hinders deep sleep

Insomnia disrupts brain waves, hinders deep sleep

by Ashley Mo and Cynthia Xie March 8, 2025

According to the National Library of Medicine, around 23.8% of adolescents suffer from insomnia, the inability to fall or stay asleep. While most people experience occasional sleepless nights, chronic...

Powering-up your pre-game

Powering-up your pre-game

by Eva Cheng, Co-Sports Editor August 18, 2024

Sweat trickling down your neck and lungs burning, you dig your cleats into the grass as you sprint down the field in the final seconds of the game. An opponent closes on you, trailing closely behind. You...

As tools like the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) in soccer have grown in usage over the past decade, the number of fouls and red cards has decreased. Similarly, sports like baseball, volleyball and tennis utilize the Hawk-Eye system, which allows referees and umpires to accurately make out-of-bounds calls.

Technology in sports: To use or not to use?

by Jonathan Szeto, Co-STEM Editor May 3, 2024

The soccer championship game is at its final moments. The score is tied, and there are only 30 seconds left on the clock. Suddenly, the striker shoots the ball, and — it’s in! It seems as if the game...

Shafia Zaloom speaks to the frosh and sophomore classes about consent in a LIFE session on Feb. 2. Zaloom explained the meaning of a healthy relationship and emphasized the importance of not being pressured into making decisions.

Students explore cyber awareness, healthy relationships and life after high school through February LIFE assemblies

by Vivek Moorjani and Ella Guo February 23, 2024

Upper school students attended various grade level Living with Intent, Focus and Enthusiasm (LIFE) events across the month of February, while some also attended Eagle Buddy events. Assistant upper school...

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