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The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Alvin Siamwalla (9) signs the Matriculation book as other frosh watch. Before signing, the whole school read the Matriculation Oath together.

Matriculation renews core tenets for new year

by Lily Shi, News Editor August 23, 2024

In 2023 alone, over 10,000 research papers were withdrawn, setting a new global record. Journals subject papers to stringent review processes facilitated by expert peer reviewers, but many procedural and factual errors still manage to slip past inattentive editors, threatening to damage the reputation of legitimate scientific research.

Science has an integrity problem

by Mihir Kotbagi, Assistant STEM Editor April 8, 2024

Science, long held as the epitome of truth and objectivity, is facing an integrity crisis, with a growing number of retractions calling into question the reliability of published research and shaking...

Outside Dobbins or in the Main hallway, friends huddle together in groups, exchanging information on an imminent exam. Most students would not consider this cheating, despite clearly violating the honor code.

Editorial: Cheating shapes culture of unhealthy competition

by Editorial Board February 9, 2024

A calculus test question for an English one, or an AP United States History multiple choice answer for the physics free response. Outside Dobbins or in the Main hallway, friends huddle together in groups,...

Dhruv Saoji (10) listens as upper school head Butch Keller delivers a speech to the newly-inducted NHS members.

NHS initiates 59 new members with candle-lighting tradition

by Alysa Suleiman, Sports Reporter October 17, 2019

Four tall, waxy-white candles flicker onstage in the Nichols Hall auditorium, bathing the dimly lit room in warm orange glow. A light smattering of applause echoes down the rows of seats filled with formally...

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