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The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Aquila Weekly Wrap-Up: Sept. 21-27

by Lily Shi, News Editor September 30, 2024

This is Aquila Weekly Wrap-Up, where we bring you the latest updates from around our school community. Saturday Harker Model U.N. hosted PanMUN, a Model U.N. conference for schools across the Bay...

Harker Programming Club invited four panelists for this year's Girls Programming League Challenge. The speakers discussed their technical expertise and exposure to sexism in academia.

Girls Programming League Challenge spotlights astronomy and computer science experts

by Claire Tian and Claire Xu September 29, 2024

Harker Programming Club (HPC) hosted the seventh annual Girls Programming League (GPL) Challenge over Zoom on Sept. 21. The event welcomed around 60 female and nonbinary students from around the world...

Panelists Aleks Goeva, Johanna Kim, Anita Chetty and Dr. Natalie Pageler, all female industry professionals working in the fields of medicine or computer science, speak to Girls Programming League Challenge participants. The panelists discussed their experiences as women in the fields of computer science and medicine.

Fifth annual Girls Programming League Challenge offers new coding opportunities

by Grant Yang and Vivian Chen October 7, 2022

Competing against the clock, upper and middle school students from across the nation participated in  the Girls Programming League (GPL) Challenge, solving coding problems and hearing from a panel of...

Panelists Dr. Pei Cao, Jenny Lin, Lynn Root and Pavitra Rengarajan (’12) speak at the Girls Programming League Challenge on Saturday. The event invited female and nonbinary identifying students to participate and followed a theme of computer science and entertainment.

Girls Programming League inspires female students to compete in annual programming competition

by Ella Yee and Catherine Wong September 23, 2021

Garnering 76 teams across 45 schools and a total of 120 participants, the Girls Programming League (GPL) and the Harker Programming Club (HPC) co-hosted the fourth annual GPL challenge through Zoom on...

Girls Programming League (GPL) team officers and participants meet in a Zoom room for the awards ceremony. This year, the GPL event was held virtually due to concerns about COVID-19.

Girls Programming League held virtually for the first time

by Mark Hu and Sabrina Zhu September 25, 2020

Zoom breakout room “Byte the Dust” is filled with three middle school girls. They excitedly discuss the potential algorithms that can solve one of the problems, before one of them begins sharing her...

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