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Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Divya Venkat (11) explains the goals of Make Our Schools Safe, a nonprofit organization devoted to combating gun violence. “The personalities of the people running the stands [were what drew me in],” Ryder Hewitt (9) said. “I got the vibe of the whole club. When I saw very invested, excited people, it made me more invested in their clubs."

75 clubs share new initiatives at annual Club Fair

by Shiv Deokar and Ella Yee September 19, 2022

Students visited different booths set up by clubs and organizations at this year’s Club Fair, which took place in front of the Rothschild Performing Arts Center (RPAC) during lunch on Thursday. The...

Jai Vir Mehta (12) rides on the mechanical shark, one of the main attractions at Friday's Spirit Kickoff. Harker Spirit Leadership Team hosted the kickoff, themed Spirit of Summer, on Friday afternoon.

Surf, swim and summer sun: Annual Spirit Kickoff excites with beach-themed activities

by Felix Chen and Kinnera Mulam September 7, 2022

Over 200 students and faculty attended the Spirit Kickoff event themed Spirit of Summer in the quad on Friday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Harker Spirit Leadership Team (HSLT), who organized the event, distributed...

HSLT representatives Kris Estrada (11), Paulina Gicqueau (11), Ashley Ma (11), and Kai Burich (12) stand in front of the Trivia Day game board during lunch yesterday.

HSLT hosts Jeopardy-style Trivia Day competition

by Olivia Xu and Alena Suleiman October 8, 2021

“Billie Eilish is obsessed with this early 2000s hit TV series.” Buzz! Students and advisors representing the freshman, sophomore, junior and senior classes participated in a jeopardy-style Trivia...

Senior Student Activities Board (SAB) representative Kate Olsen fastens a headband with Shrek ears made of polymer clay onto the senior eagle.

Upper school community enjoys eagle painting, karaoke and candy at annual Spirit Night

by Emily Tan, Winged Post Co-Editor-in-Chief October 3, 2021

Approximately 70 students and faculty gathered outside Manzanita Hall and the journalism room for the upper school Spirit Night from 3-6 p.m. on Friday. Hosted by the Harker Spirit Leadership Team (HSLT),...

Juniors Karina Chen, Jessica Zhou and Anika Pandey pose with a cardboard cutout of Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci. The cutout traversed through the different areas of the event as various people took photos, posed with it or in some cases even danced with cardboard Fauci.

Spirit Kickoff launches celebration of Harker spirit through games and competitions

by Kinnera Mulam, Reporter September 7, 2021

A crowd of students conversed while enjoying the snacks and drinks provided by the Harker Spirit Leadership Team (HSLT). They wore radiant smiles as they waited to participate in activities such as the...

Samvita Gautham 10), a member of the community events branch in HSLT, speaks with fellow member Alysa Suleiman (11) on some holiday baked goods she made over winter break in her new series Harker Good News (HGN).

“We can still be together”

by Sarah Mohammed, Asst. Features Editor January 24, 2021

Shots of farm goats and pigs accompanied with pop-up banners of fun facts fill the main page of the Harker Spirit Club YouTube channel. This new and recurring series, “Kerry’s Farm Time,” is produced...

This Talk Around Campus addresses how the situation has impacted both students and teachers, how they believe America can move forward from this moment and what they wish they could say to the community and to the nation.

Talk around campus: Community response to U.S. Capitol riots

by Alysa Suleiman, A&E Editor January 8, 2021

Pro-Trump supporters gathered in mobs outside the walls of Capitol Hill, responding to Trump's "Save America" rally on Jan. 6. With no regard for security measures, the rioters then broke into the Capitol,...

At last year's TEDx event, cancer immunotherapy researcher Priti Hegde talked to attendees about her work in cancer genomics.

Preview of TEDx’s 2020 annual speaker event

by Alysa Suleiman, A&E Editor November 2, 2020

TEDxHarkerSchool will be virtually hosting a weeklong speaker event for its 2020 TEDx event. Starting on Nov. 4 and ending on Nov. 7, each day will feature one speaker. The speaker videos will be released...

Malar Bala (10) stands by the Women in STEM (WiSTEM) poster board while Erica Cai (10) signs up. Students who still want to sign up for a club can contact club officials and ask to be put on the mailing list.

Student organizations invite new members to join at Club Fair with interactive activities

by Sriya Batchu, Reporter September 11, 2019

This year’s annual Club Fair invited upper school students and faculty to explore and join a variety of student organizations in the RPAC lobby and the donor plaza during lunch today. Club Fair usually...

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