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Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Humans of Harker: Leading with every lesson

Humans of Harker: Leading with every lesson

by Emma Milner, Aquila Editor-in-Chief February 24, 2025

View the full transcript here: Emily Mitnick (12): In middle school, I was at a different school, and we had a snack cart that I was in charge of running and we were selling snacks to students during...

“For me, discipline can only happen when I try the things that I really like. Since I like basketball and I like guitar, I'm willing to contribute to the discipline. It's not really discipline at that point — it's passion," senior Advay Monga said.

Humans of Harker: Dribble and drive

by Kairui Sun, Photo Editor February 4, 2025

Colorful shoes squeak on the floor as a basketball dances between the ground and a pair of hands. Suddenly, senior Advay Monga finds the ball hurled in his direction. Before he can think, he catches...

“Working on Roobi has taught me how to bounce back from failures, and that problems need to be addressed one bit at a time because you can't just tackle huge goals. I learned to not be afraid of failure because every failure is a step towards success. I try not to look back and wish I could change something because I can't. It's the past. Instead, I look forward," senior Daniel Dorfman said.

Humans of Harker: Steeped for success

by Tiffany Zhu, Co-Sports Editor December 4, 2024

Senior Daniel Dorfman bolts out of the classroom, weaving through crowded halls to get to his car before dashing to his makeshift kitchen-turned-warehouse. In just a few hours, he’ll need to be back...

“With volleyball and Medical Club, I love working with people. I get to work with people who aren't necessarily in my classes or aren't my friends specifically, but we get to work hard and work together towards a common goal. That collaboration aspect is really important to me," senior Navya Samuel said.

Humans of Harker: Cooperation through competition

by Mendy Mao, Co-Features Editor November 21, 2024

Senior Navya Samuel walks into the vast convention center, greeted by the sight of hundreds of girls clad in volleyball jerseys. Scattered across the many volleyball courts, skilled players spike balls...

“Human connection is very important to staying grounded and stable. The people around me are one of the reasons that I'm not fully burnt out, so I really prioritize keeping a good schedule for myself. Being able to prioritize the things in life that give me internal satisfaction is important to me because that's what allows me to have the drive to do good with the rest of my time. Talking to people is a way for me to replenish," senior Kashish Priyam said.

Humans of Harker: Pep in every step

by Suhani Gupta, Co-A&E/Lifestyle Editor November 15, 2024

“Everybody up for the kick-off!”  Senior Kashish Priyam energetically shouts the chant, leading her cheer teammates in their performance before the football season opener. Dressed in green...

“It's very important to make sure the people in your life know they're important to you. Whether that's doing small acts of kindness or just being there whenever they need you, having a really strong support system is what gets you through life, and it's a really valuable life skill to have," Sofie Marino (12) said.

Humans of Harker: Pillar of support

by Chayce Milheim, TALON Editor-in-Chief November 9, 2024

The whistle blows for a timeout. The San Jose Express age 12 and under (12U) girls’ water polo team has twenty seconds to debrief and plan for the next play, tensions running high as they prepare...

“My karate teachers emphasize that as black belts, we should be living up to the standard of our rank and acting as an example for the students who are lower-ranked.' When I’m helping out and someone messes up, I don't necessarily say, ‘You did this wrong, try to do this.’ I take a more relaxed approach and act out what they did a little comically. It's finding the balance between being strict and being more playful with the students," senior Claire Perng said.

Humans of Harker: Playing with purpose

by Claire Zhao, Winged Post Managing Editor October 23, 2024

It’s the last event at senior Claire Perng’s second-degree black belt exam, a bo staff speed competition that pits two martial arts world champions against two members of the studio’s demo team....

“I have the ability to convey my opinions and ideas through art, which in my opinion, is the most powerful tool I have because not everyone has it. It requires me to, first of all, have an opinion or thought, and second of all, be able to convey it with this medium. Together, that is the strongest calling for an artist," senior Eva Li said.

Humans of Harker: Artistry in abstraction

by Hannah Jeon, TALON Photo Editor October 17, 2024

Senior Eva Li dives into her painting, dragging brush across canvas without stopping to pause and think about each stroke. Working without a sketch, she solely focuses on following the flow of ideas...

"I like challenging myself to really, really high expectations and then surprisingly, somehow it works, and I think I have the most fun doing that. Rather than making a beginner thing, I wanna be the best .I wanna do the craziest thing first," senior Gabe Li said.

Humans of Harker: B-roll to your beat

by Eva Cheng, Co-Sports Editor October 17, 2024

An iridescent hummingbird approaches, its wings beating so fast that its body seems to hover in midair. Light bounces off its shiny feathers, reflecting in hues of green, blue and purple. Turning its...

“Sometimes when you're too carried away with the thing that you're so passionate about, it's hard to take a step back and realize that you need to be sharing this information with others. Through all the errors, although it's really demoralizing at times, it provides a lot more insight as to how the entire thing functions and then from there you can know what to do next," senior Tiffany Gu said.

Humans of Harker: Exploring the finer edges

by Emma Milner, Aquila Co-Editor-in-Chief October 2, 2024

A system of chemical rings meets a system of mechanical gears—seemingly unrelated at first glance. The former, carefully drawn with precise hexagonal edges, and the latter, assembled in a mosaic...

Humans of Harker: Cooking with creativity

by Sidak Sanghari and Michelle Wei June 12, 2024

View the full transcript here: I started baking when I was pretty little actually. I think when I was five or six, I always wanted to help my mom bake stuff because she would make cookies or things...

Humans of Harker: Climbing with confidence

by Selina Xu, Aquila Co-Managing Editor June 12, 2024

View the full transcript here: Rock climbing is very much like a puzzle, you have to put all the holes together and figure out like, how you fit in the holes in the wall? And how do you get yourself...

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