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Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Sophomore Mishi Vachev (left) sports a brown leather jacket over a tank top and long sleeve sweater. Senior Priscilla Auyeung (right) wears a patterned long sleeve button down, a black cardigan, and a grey peacoat. Many students layer clothing on days where it is cold in the morning and warm in the afternoon.

Fashion disaster: Dressing for wild weather

by Angeline Pan March 21, 2013

A sweater or a tank top? Jeans or a dress? Although spring has officially begun, the weather is still ever-changing and many students face the same dilemma: how to dress for cold mornings and warm afternoons. In...

Senior Sarina Vij designs traditional Indian Henna tattoos for students as she hosts a booth for India at Global Empowerment and Outreach club's annual Multicultural Carnival. The carnival was held Wednesday, March 20 in the Nichols atrium.

GEO Multicultural Carnival enthralls students

by Tiara Bhatacharya March 21, 2013

Cultural music and delicious aromas permeated through the Nichols atrium, which was packed with students attending the Global Empowerment and Outreach (GEO) club’s Multicultural Carnival during long...

Review: Oz the Great and Powerful - 3/5 stars

Review: Oz the Great and Powerful – 3/5 stars

by Apurva Gorti March 18, 2013

You’ve got The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Wicked, and now Oz the Great and Powerful. What makes L. Frank Baum’s century old fantasyland of Oz so intriguing? It’s uncertain, but originality definitely...

Senior Nina Sabharwal performs Adele's "Skyfall" with the Upper School Jazz Band. Adele's song was altered to make the song fit into the jazz genre. The show contained a variety of songs from Spanish song “Malaguena” by Ernesto Lecuona to the classic “Saints Go Marching In.”

An Evening of Jazz highlights Jazz Band and Lab Band

by Anisha Padwekar March 17, 2013

Featuring a variety of pieces from Adele’s "Skyfall" to a song composed by fourth grader Anika Fuloria, “An Evening of Jazz” showcased jazz musicians from the Lower, Middle, and Upper Schools. Although...

Sophomore Alex Jang enjoys a piece of pie during lunch today. In honor of National Pi Day, the kitchen staff served different types of pie and decorated tables with pi signs.

Pies and math add up to a fun-filled Pi Day

by Manthra Panchapakesan March 14, 2013

“Who knows what day it is today?” math teacher Misael Fisico asked his sixth period geometry class. The response was an overwhelmingly loud “Pi Day!” accompanied by cheers. Today, March 14,...

Donned in cowboy hats and denim, students dance to songs played by DJ Bobby Kahlon (12). The Sadies dance took place in the gym on Saturday, March 9.

Sadie Hawkins: A Night in the Wild West

by Kavya Ramakrishnan March 10, 2013

A multitude of lights and cowboy-themed decorations transformed the gym into a dust bowl during the annual Sadies Hawkins dance held on March 9. This year, Junior Classical League (JCL) and Harker Business...

Math teacher Jeanette Fernandez and her daughter perform a Spanish dance in traditional attire. They participated in the annual Spanish Cultural Night hosted by Spanish National Honor Society.

Students and faculty show passion at Spanish Cultural Night

by Karen Tu March 10, 2013

¡Uno, dos, tres! ¡Cuatro, cinco, seis! The staccato rhythm of Spanish music reverberated through the gym, while students danced to the beat of the salsa. The annual Spanish Cultural Night was held...

Summer Camp performing at Backstage Live in Hong Kong.

Music heads in a new direction

by Juhi Gupta, Video & Photo Editor March 9, 2013

The rapidly expanding world of music has led to the creation of hundreds of different genres, many of which frequently escape the public eye. Check out the innovative and fresh music of the following artists...

Freshman Edwards Sheu shoots a basket as the other members of the freshman team look on. The Key Club basketball tournament took place during long lunch on Wednesday, March 6.

Fundraiser slam dunk: B-Ball competition held by Key Club

by Elizabeth Edwards and Megan Prakash March 6, 2013

A din filled the gym as teams of freshmen, sophomores, and seniors participated in Key Club’s basketball competition. Basketballs smacked against the floor, shouts echoed back and forth, and time ticked...

Priscilla Auyeung (12) and Julia Wang (10) decorate cupcakes after school for the Key Club bake sale. Members will be baking daily to provide students with freshly baked goods.

Key Club Week: Bake sales to help Sunday Friends

by Dora Tzeng March 5, 2013

To raise funds for Sunday Friends, an organization that empowers low-income families, Key Club is hosting various events this week including bake sales, a Pinkberry fundraiser, and a basketball tournament. According...

Senior Simon Orr carefully crafts a sculpture. His work Rhythm and Pattern combined musical elements with visual art to create a unique piece.

AP Studio Art students showcase unique work

by Sapna Suresh February 28, 2013

All artists enrolled in AP Studio Art held a reception in Nichols Hall yesterday displaying the pieces they have created during the course. Many students and faculty attended to support them and snack...

This week, from February 24 through March 2, is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Spanning over all 50 states and 30 other countries, this year’s theme is “Everybody Knows Somebody.”

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week: “Everybody knows somebody”

by Kaity Gee February 27, 2013

I was only six years old when I knew that I never wanted to be “fat.” All little girls want to be “pretty”, and to me, that meant being thin. It still does. This week is National Eating Disorder...

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