cyrVarsity boys soccer conceded a 2-5 defeat in a hard-fought match against Monta Vista on Dec. 11 at Davis Field.
After 11 minutes of back-and-forth play, Harker’s defense slipped, and Monta Vista scored the first goal of the game. Following more unsuccessful goal attempts from both sides, forward and midfielder Cyrus Ghane (11) earned a penalty kick and successfully scored with 9 minutes left in the first half, tying the score 1-1. Monta Vista regained the lead with a goal off a high ball in the last minutes of the first period, bringing the score to 2-1.
Cyrus’s father Kamron Ghane commended the boys for their coordinated team effort.
“Especially in the first half, they were doing good passes and had strong plays,” Ghane said. “These are still pre-season games, so they are figuring out their arrangements and how they play together and how everyone plays, but overall it was a good fight.”
The Eagles entered the second half with renewed momentum. Receiving a pass from forward, midfielder, and team captain Alec Zhang (12), Cyrus dodged defenders and narrowly missed a goal attempt. Monta Vista gained possession of the ball and secured an opening to shoot a goal, but goalkeeper Cameron Jones (10) narrowly blocked the shot.
After strong passes from defender Veer Sahasi (12) and forward Vova Schegrov (10), Harker nearly tied the game, but Monta Vista cleared the ball out of bounds before a shot could be made.
With the score at 1-2, Cameron saved another close shot from Monta Vista. However, Monta Vista rebounded with a second successful shot, maintaining their lead 3-1. In response to Monta Vista’s goal, Vova weaved past defenders and scored a goal for Harker, narrowing the gap to 2-3.
“We had a lot of good communication—it’s been lacking before, but we really organized together,” Vova said. “The other team was very chaotic, and we capitalized on that.”
The score remained stagnant for the rest of the game as the Eagles struggled to move the ball out of their side of the field. Cameron blocked another close shot by Monta Vista with seven minutes left on the clock. Off a foul, Monta Vista earned a freekick, but Cameron successfully deflected the ball from entering the goal.
With just two minutes left, Monta Vista broke through Harker’s back line, scoring as Cameron advanced too far forward and left the goal undefended. After another foul from the Eagles, Monta Vista managed to squeeze in another goal from a penalty kick. As the clock ticked down to its final seconds, the Eagles failed to score more goals, and the match concluded with the Eagles losing 2-5.

Despite the loss, the team remains optimistic about their future. With several new players joining the team, the Eagles are focusing on building team chemistry both on and off the field. Alec emphasized the importance of communication and teamwork in their performance.
“Overall, we were the better team, with a few defensive mistakes here and there that cost us those first two goals,” Alec said. “It’s a very stressful week for a lot of players, so it’s important to motivate them to get in the game, communicate with them to make sure they’re playing their best, and help them up when they get knocked down.”
The team holds a 2-1 record and is scheduled to play Mills High School on Dec. 20.