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Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Winged Post

Humans of Harker: Performing with positivity

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I think I first got into dance when my dad introduced it to me. He used to dance when he was my age now, but I started much younger. So I grew up in a household that was involved in dance. My first show was actually with him, in the routine. So that was a pretty special moment for me. 

I mean, you can communicate how you’re feeling, without even talking. There’s also different styles that are within different styles. In terms of hip hop, you can either hit something really hard or smooth with grooves and things like that. So it can depend on the vibe of the whole situation.

I think the first Kinetic Krew show I’ve ever done, I do remember that and I was in freshman year and there was no audience really, but it was still a really special moment just because that was the first time I danced with my full high school team in person, right. So I think that was off the top of my head anyways, that’s one that really speaks out to me. That’s the whole point of dance – to perform and show you know what you’re doing to other people, whether that’s just a small group or a full house.

I definitely feed off the energy that the crowd gives back. That’s a big part of the dance really. Being up on stage for so many years, you learn how to stay poised in a very nerve-wracking environment.

My first time I was choreographing things was definitely a new experience because I never actually took the choreographing class here or anything like that. So I had no prior experience with things like that. So I can make movement but to translate it into other people and for it to look good and read well, whether that’s with formations and things like that or just actual choreography, I would say that’s definitely a challenge.

The other one is I do a little bit better with this now, but initially, I would say freestyling was difficult just because I was so used to, how I was taught was you learn the movement and then do it again. And then, rather than coming up with movement, on the spot too, it was definitely a challenge at first. 

Whether that’s an individual or a duet group or just a full 60 person dance squad, I would say, that’s the biggest inspiration, just other people and seeing what they do with their music. Especially if it’s a song I’ve already danced to before, but I’ve already seen or I’ve seen another group do a different iteration of it or a different remix or something like that. That inspires me to create more.

I want to create a positive and supportive environment and then I’m always willing to help my teammates, whether that’s get better or just answer their questions, things like that. I want to have made an impact whether it’s on the school or just other people. I want to be known as someone who was approachable and you could always count on for support and things like that. I want to be memorable in the sense that people remember me for a positive reason, whatever that may be.

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About the Contributors
Medha Yarlagadda
Medha Yarlagadda, Aquila Co-Managing Editor
Medha Yarlagadda (12) is a co-managing editor for Harker Aquila, and this is her fourth year on staff. This year, she hopes to work more closely with the staff while capturing stories of the school community. In her free time, she can be found cooking or baking, reading or trying new cafes.
Anwen Hao
Anwen Hao, Co-Multimedia Editor
Anwen Hao (11) is the co-multimedia editor for Harker Aquila, and this is his third year on staff. This year, Anwen aspires to reach outside of his comfort zone and establish greater connections with his interviewees. In his free time, he enjoys playing with his cats and training for ballet and fencing.

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