Tri-M Music Honor Society prepares for virtual concert at Cupertino Senior Center

Provided by Lucas Chen

Lucas Chen (12) plays Cello Suite No. 3 by Johann Sebastian Bach for the virtual Tri-M Music concert held at the Cupertino Senior Center. Last Wednesday, the Harker Tri-M Music Honor Society received several student-submitted pieces for this concert initiative.

by Edward Huang, Reporter

The Harker Tri-M Music Honor Society received student-submitted recordings for their virtual concert initiative this past Wednesday, which aims to spread music within the local senior citizen community.

The club received performances from Lucas Chen (12), Karolyn Cheng (12), Yvan Grinspan (12), Alan Jiang (11), Sawyer Lai (11), Catherine Li (10), Cassie May (11), Miki Mitarai (10), Yejin Song (12), Austin Wang (12), Fiona Yan (10), Richard Zhang (11) and Tina Zhong (12).

The Cupertino Senior Center staff will play the concert in late February or early March. Most of the pieces performed will consist of 20th century songs more relatable to a senior audience, according to Sawyer, Tri-M’s Vice President of External Events.

“For this concert specifically, submissions tend to be some more modern pieces that the seniors grew up with,” Sawyer said. “For example, nostalgic music like ‘Blackbird’ by The Beatles or other songs from that era are ones that the seniors would remember.”

After the Cupertino Senior Center approves and compiles the submitted performances, their staff will play the recorded concert for all of their members.