Upper school debaters travel to Des Moines for Valley Mid America Cup

Courtesy of Jenny Achten

Harker debaters competing at the Valley Mid America Cup pose for a photo outside with former Harker Lincoln-Douglas debater Emmiee Malyugina (’17) and former Harker policy debater Molly Wancewicz (’17). A total of 10 Harker debaters attended the tournament.

by Eric Fang, Winged Post Global Editor

Ten upper school debaters traveled to Des Moines, Iowa this past weekend to attend the Valley Mid America Cup for the team’s third debate tournament of the year.  

Dozens of schools from across the United States competed in this event. There, Quentin Clark (10) and Sachin Shah (10) were named 49th and 60th speaker, respectively, out of 97 participants in Lincoln-Douglas debate. Maddie Huynh (10), Andy Lee (9), Akshay Manglik (9) and Deven Parikh (9) were named 11th, 19th, 69th and 88th speaker, respectively, out of 131 participants in policy debate. Cindy Wang (11), Clarissa Wang (11), Annie Ma (10) and Amanda Cheung (10) were named 24th, 54th, 65th and and 69th speaker, respectively, out of 90 participants in public forum debate.

Policy team Maddie and Andy advanced to the double octofinals of the competition. Andy thought the tournament was enjoyable as one of his first high school competitions and was satisfied with his performance at the invitational.

“The tournament was pretty fun,” he said. “We won four out of six in the preliminary rounds, and then we lost our first elimination round.”

Public forum team Cindy and Clarissa ended their tournament run with four wins, advancing to the octofinals, while team Annie and Amanda ended with three. There were 45 public forum teams in the competition.

This tournament marked the first time Annie competed as a public forum debater, and she found the invitational a great experience to learn new debate techniques and to have fun in general.

“I competed in public forum for the first time at this tournament after four years of competing in Lincoln-Douglas, so it was really interesting to learn about this new way to debate,” she said. “We met new people, played a lot of cards and saw a lot of corn fields.”

The students were chaperoned by upper school debate coaches Greg Achten and Jenny Achten. Ms. Achten expressed her thoughts on the team’s performance this year so far and spoke about the team’s upcoming trip to southern California for their next tournament.

“We were really impressed; we had several ninth and 10th graders set personal best records at a national varsity competition,” she said. “We also had great results at the St. Francis tournament and at the Grapevine tournament, and this weekend the speech and Congress team is having their start at the Long Beach tournament.”

The speech and debate team’s next tournament will be held this weekend in Long Beach, California for students competing in speech events and Congressional debate.