Student-run science magazine Harker Horizon releases first issue
Science teacher and Harker Horizon adviser Chris Spenner’s classroom copy of the first issue of Harker Horizon rests on a textbook. The issue, released last week, features science writing from current and past upper school students.
May 10, 2017
Student-run science magazine Harker Horizon released its initial issue last week, copies of which will be sold in Manzanita during lunch this week.
The issue features work from 10 current and former upper school students and 15 magazine staff members, including a debate feature on gene editing, an interview with a university professor and other science- and research-related articles.
“We started at the beginning of the year with the goal to get a print issue out,” co-editor-in-chief Arjun Subramaniam (12) said. “To see the whole product put together and to actually put that into people’s hands is pretty exciting, and I think we’ve all learned a lot along the way. I hope that it shows students what their peers are doing, both research-wise and also what they’re thinking about and the ideas that they have.”
Because Horizon’s editors-in-chief, Arjun and Rishab Gargeya (12), will both be graduating next week, its leadership team wants to leave the upper school community with scientific inspiration.
“A lot of people want the issue to have both a digital and a print platform. There’s a lot of next steps that we can achieve,” Arjun said. “We want to pass it on to fresh faces and see where they can take it, but I do hope to check in occasionally and see how Horizon’s doing, because I think that it has a lot of potential for becoming an important part of the Harker community.”
Issues cost $1 each and were available for preorder starting April 19. Submission guidelines and online articles can be found at Harker Horizon’s website,