ReCreate Reading 2017 kicks off with pre-summer meetings
ReCreate Reading groups met for the first time today during the first 10 minutes of the advisory period. Students will read their selections over the summer before participating in a second book discussion early in the 2017-2018 school year.
April 10, 2017
Students from the junior, sophomore and freshman classes met with their ReCreate Reading groups for a pre-summer meeting today during the first 10 minutes of the advisory period.
This morning’s discussions, hosted in the classrooms or offices of the advisors for each reading group, allowed students to get to know the the students and the faculty member reading the same selection. Some groups also spent part of their meetings composing written responses to questions related to topics discussed in their ReCreate Reading book.
“Besides the obligatory break talk, we just started with introductions and activities designed to get to know our group members,” Lilia Gonzales (10), a member of history teacher Julie Wheeler’s reading group for the novel “Manhunt” by James L. Swanson, said. “I’ve never read a book of a similar genre before, so I’m really excited to start reading over the summer.”
A Google Sheets ReCreate Reading master list organizing students by their class year, name, advisor, book selection and meeting location was shared with the student body today both via today’s daily announcements email and the homepages of students’ personal Harker portals.
The book selection and registration process for this year’s ReCreate Reading program took place the week before spring break, with the juniors registering on March 27, the sophomores on March 29 and the freshmen on March 31. Students were encouraged to prepare first, second and third choices should their favorite title’s reading group fill up quickly.
After the summer, ReCreate Reading groups will meet again early in the 2017-2018 school year.