School meeting recap 3/22
Upper school Director of Learning, Innovation and Design Diane Main addressed terms to describe one’s sexuality during her presentation about GSA’s club week. GSA will be selling food and pearl milk tea throughout all of this week.
March 22, 2017
Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) has its club week this week and will be selling coffee cake and pearl milk tea throughout the week. GSA meets in Abel Olivas’ room on B-days during long lunch, and students can email [email protected] to join.
Harker students now have a new opportunity to log their community service hours with the non-profit organization Teaching Innovation, Leadership and Entrepreneurship (TILE). TILE will host events for students who do not have access to business resources and invite local leaders to talk about how to start businesses and nonprofits as high schoolers. If interested, students can email Keval Shah (10) or Jacob Kim (10).
Mathematics teacher Dr. Lola Muldrew, principal of Harker’s Summer Institute, will be offering a course on study skills in the summer for students looking for ways to improve their time management skills. English teacher Dr. Beth Wahl will also teach a course on Greek and Roman mythology during the summer. For more information, students can visit the Summer Institute website or email Dr. Muldrew.
The annual Harker Research Symposium will take place on April 15 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Saratoga campus. The event will include student poster sessions, workshops, alumni talks and a chemistry magic show. General registration for the event will open this Friday.
At the National Speech and Debate Association’s national tournament qualifier last weekend, Nikki Solanki (9) was second alternate in Programmed Oral Interpretation, Avi Gulati (9) placed second in Original Oratory with Nikhil Dharmaraj (10) winning first place in the same event. Avi and Nikhil will travel to Alabama in June to compete in the national tournament.
Speech and debate teacher Marjorie Hazeltine will host a clothing exchange in her room on April 14 during long lunch. Sarisha Kurup (12) and Anahita Far (12) also contributed to the event’s organization. Students can bring any clothes, shoes or accessories in good condition that they want to donate.
Academic Student Body (ASB) president Sandip Nirmel (12) delivered the annual State of the School address, where he discussed the current state of the school community and detailed what student council had done in terms of projects so far this year.
The ASB council for the 2017-2018 school year was also announced, with Jimmy Lin (11) winning the position of president, Neil Ramaswamy (10) vice president and Megan Huynh (11) treasurer.