Students perform at annual Santana Row tree lighting ceremony

by Sanjana Baldwa

It’s not exactly that time of year again, but on November 15, Santana Row began their countdown to the holidays, kicking off the season with their 10th annual tree lighting ceremony, at which groups from all three campuses performed.

Unlike previous years, yesterday’s performance was held at the giant chessboard in the park area to accommodate more holiday goers, while the traditional location at Park Valencia was occupied by children taking photos with Santa Claus.

“This is a new venue for us, since we’ve been doing it by the other stage for maybe eight years,” said Laura Lang-Ree, Head of Performing Arts K-12. “I like this a lot better—I think this is a better venue because the bigger stage offers a lot more opportunities, [such as] with the dancers, et cetera.”

This year’s event featured Downbeat, the JV Dance Troupe, the grades 7-8 boys troupe High Voltage, the grades 7-8 girls troupe Showstoppers, and the cross-campus troupe of 4-6 graders Dance Fusion. Groups from other schools performed as well.

“I think it’s a really awesome experience,” said Christina Jerney (11), a member of Downbeat. “I also think it’s too early to light a Christmas tree, but I still think it’s really fun and cool.”

Suraj Chandrashekhar (10), another performer with Downbeat, agrees.

“I think it’s great that we get to perform in front of a lot of people,” he said.

Nephele Troullinos (9), who dances with the JV Dance Troupe, enjoyed the performance as well as the general attendance of the event.

“I think we all really appreciate everyone else who we see that’s not performing that comes to see us on stage,” she said.

Shreya Indukuri (12) commented on the festive nature of Santana Row during the holidays and the added fun of watching her peers and schoolmates perform.

“Well I love Santana Row: it’s gorgeous. On top of that I love watching Harker performers in general,” she said. “Also, it’s my senior year and my last chance to really be here for [the performers] so that’s why I came out, and I loved it.”

Lang-Ree enjoyed the performances and commented on her pride at every group’s accomplishments.

“It’s such a fun night to be part of the Harker performing arts Conservatory when you see all these groups from fourth grade to twelfth doing so many great things,” she said. “We feel so loved and supported, and even though it’s a little early to be lighting a tree, it really puts everyone in a great mood, and that’s what music is all about.”