United Voices concert features vocal groups from three campuses

Courtesy of Harker News and Photos
For the finale, every performing group gathered on stage to sing together. The United Voices concert is held annually in March at the Mexican Heritage Theater in San Jose.
March 16, 2017
Vocal groups from the Lower, Middle and Upper School performed in the United Voices concert today at the Mexican Heritage Theater from 7 to 8:15 p.m.
The concert featured performances from the upper school vocal groups Cantilena, Downbeat, Camerata and Bel Canto as well as the middle school groups Vivace, Harmonics and Dynamics. The Concert Choir, consisting of the ensembles Harmonics and Dynamics combined, and the lower school’s Bucknall Choir also performed at the concert.
“We [performed] two songs, and we turned out all of the lights in the room, and we had little tiny finger lights,” Cantilena member Morgan Douglas (11) said. “We used [the finger lights], and the effect was really cool.”
The upper school choirs will be performing at the upcoming Spring Concert, Baccalaureate and Graduation ceremonies within the next months of the school year.