Harker Spirit and junior class council prepare for winter ball
Kerry Enzensperger and Edward Sheu (12) decorate the staircase for last year’s Winter Ball. The dance will take place this Saturday in the Nichols Atrium.
February 18, 2016
After returning from February break, Harker Spirit and the junior student council continue to prepare for the annual Winter Ball, which will be held in Nichols atrium on Saturday evening.
This year’s dance occurs later than it’s usual date in the end of January.
“It gave us more time to plan; we didn’t have to rush right when we came back [from winter break]” Student Activities Coordinator Kerry Enzensperger said.
Junior student council has been instrumental in sponsoring, promoting and organizing the dance, as ticket sales contribute to their class fund. Each ticket costs $30.
“As the primary fundraiser for the junior class, planning for the dance spanned back around October or November of last year” junior Class Spirit Coordinator Haley Tran (11) said. “At first, it was mainly brainstorming how we were going to market the dance, incorporate the theme, and establishing all the logistics.”
According to Layla, Harker Spirit always seeks new and exciting ways to organize the dance. This year, officers chose a masquerade-themed dance. This year Harker Spirit, along with the junior class council, hired DJ Krank, who works for the radio station Wild 94.9.
“Our big thing this year is really getting a DJ we knew would be awesome because we feel that’s what sets the tone for the whole night.” Layla said. “We got DJ Krank who does Wild 94.9. He’s like really awesome, and we’re working with him a lot to try and get some promotions ready.”
For many underclassmen who did not attend Homecoming, the Winter Ball serves as an inaugural dance in the upper school.
“I don’t know what to expect,” Christopher Gong (9) said. “I think that it’ll probably be pretty fun [to] just hang out with my friends and just have a good time.”
Design has been a main focus and matter of concern. With a $7,000 budget, this year’s theme is a masquerade, Harker Spirit has contracted Classic Party Rentals to decorate Nichols with drapery and lighting.
In addition to the junior class’ arrangements, Enzensperger has organized surprises for those who attend the dance.
“Couple little tricks up up our sleeves we’re going to not announce because not even the spirit leadership team knows some stuff that we ordered to make the dance fun and exciting and cool,” Enzensperger said.
Tickets will continue to be sold tomorrow during both lunches as well as a price mark up ticket at the doors the night of the dance.