Upper school students take AMC 10/12 exam
Ashwin Reddy (9), Tiffany Wong (9), Brian Park (9) and Grace Koonmen (10) discuss homework questions that were assigned. All four of these students are in Honors Algebra 2 with math teacher Jane Keller.
February 2, 2016
Approximately 120 students took the 75-minute American Mathematics Competition (AMC) 10 or 12 test this morning at 8 a.m. in Nichols Atrium to develop their math abilities.
AMC is a nationwide math contest that has been happening for more than 60 years. The goal of the contest is expand the math capabilities of the nation’s youth through giving problems designed to be challenging and make the students think. Each year, over 350,000 children from about 6,000 schools participate in their tests.
Due to this competition today, the schedule was modified to have school start at 9:30 a.m. and finish at 3 p.m.
The recommended math level to take this test is geometry, but there is no math course required to take part in the contest.
“It is one of the great things that I like about it because it is any math level,” upper school Algebra 2 teacher Anuradha Aiyer said. “Typically the 10th grade one is recommended for the younger students, and the 12th grade one is recommended for the older students. The mathematical association just does it by age more than knowledge.”
This exam is a stepping stone to a series of tests because if a student does well they move on to American Invitational Math Examination (AIME), which uses a combination score of the AMC with the AMIE. Following that is the qualifying exam, United States of America Junior Mathematical Olympiad (USAJMO) for the math olympiad team, and even further is the national math olympiad team.
Students have a variety of motivations and reasons that drive them to compete in this math contest.
“It is a fun competition and it is the only way to qualify to AIME competition,” Cindy Wang (9) said. It is more of a why not question since math is very interesting.”
David Zhu (11) took the AMC 12 today, and he has previously taken the AMC 10 and scored high enough to qualify for the AIME and USAJMO exams.
“I took the exam to test my problem solving skills and just to see how many problems I can solve,” Zhu said. “I thought it was a little harder than previous years, but the problems were just as interesting.”
Harker has a strong history and reputation in this competition.
“I know we will have people taking the next level, and then I know from there we have also had students qualify for the math olympiad,” Aiyer said. “I think we have had one odd qualify actually for the national math olympiad team, but not in the last couple of years.”
The next AMC contest is Feb.17 and the AIME will take place in March.