School meeting recap–1/5

Vijay Bharadwaj

Student Directed Showcase, American Math Council exams and the Harker Winter concert are coming up in January and early February. Many of these announcements were presented by clubs during school meeting on Jan. 5.

by Vijay Bharadwaj, Wingspan Copy Editor

Harker HELM is launching its magazine this semester. The theme for the 2016 issue is space, which is open to interpretation. Submissions must be emailed to [email protected] by Feb. 15.

The American Math Council (AMC) exam will be held on Feb. 2. Interested participants must sign up for the test by Jan. 8 here.

Track and field signups will be held by Coach Chisam this Thursday during long lunch outside Manzanita Hall.

The Saratoga Gym will be open for boys volleyball tryouts on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Boys soccer won against Cupertino High School on Jan. 2 and Valley Christian High School on Jan. 4. Their next game will be at Sacred Heart Preparatory on Jan. 6 at 3:30 p.m.

With a record of 11-2, varsity boys basketball will play today at 6:30 p.m. against The King’s Academy High School.

The Harker Archery Club is selling brownies and milk tea outside Manzanita Hall during long lunches and after school this week.

The Harker School Performing Arts Department will hold the annual Winter Concert on Jan. 15, where middle school and upper school bands will perform at 5 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. respectively. The concert will be held at the Mexican Heritage Theater, and tickets can be found at [email protected].

Harker Spirit is hosting a ski trip to Squaw Valley on Jan. 16. Details have been sent in an email, and students must RSVP by Thursday to confirm participation. Spirit will also hold an ice skating social on Jan. 22.

Student Directed Showcase (SDS) will be held on Jan. 8 and 9 at 7 p.m. in the Blackford Theater. Tickets can be purchased at [email protected]. Auditions for the next showcase will be held next week, and students can join the Conservatory class on Schoology for more information on the auditions.

ASB is implementing the emoji system to rate cleanliness in Manzanita Hall. If the students receive a “poor rating” for three consecutive days, the kitchen staff will not serve fries the subsequent week. If they receive the highest rating for five consecutive days, student council will hold an ice cream bar outside Manzanita.

Academic dean Evan Barth discussed course planning and selection for the upcoming school year. On Jan. 21, students and parents can attend an information session on course selection. Additionally, a form detailing planned course selection is due to Derek Kameda on Jan. 26. Students can log into the Naviance Portal through the Harker website to choose courses for the upcoming year.