Apple Watch pre-orders

The Apple Watch features an analog clock as its default screen. Shipping dates for preorders of Apple Watch were pushed into the summer due to lack of inventory.

The Apple Watch features an analog clock as its default screen. Shipping dates for preorders of Apple Watch were pushed into the summer due to lack of inventory.

Preorders for Apple Watch, Apple’s first piece of wearable technology, have opened up on Friday.

As the company began to take pre-orders, Apple ran out of inventory for product launch, which meant that they had to reschedule the store release date. New preorders are expected to be shipped by summer.

According to the website, the most popular models of the Apple Watch were those with grey cases and black straps. Watches with gold enclosures, the most expensive model, are to ship out a week from today. The models to choose from are those with stainless steel, aluminum or gold cases, and six different straps.

“Apple Watch has already been getting a lot of attention, so I feel its going to do really well in the smart-watch market,” Arindam Ghosh (9) said.

With the large consumption of inventory, it is possible that Apple Watch will sell out in stores, which would require ordering online. According to the website, the watch will have the following capabilities: messaging, phone calls, email, calendar, GPS, music, clock features, photos and weather. There are also several apps available on the app store for Apple Watch. The watch does not feature a keyboard, which severely limits its independent functionality.

“Fashion-wise, I don’t think people will prefer wearing something on their wrist when they can have something in their pocket instead,” Justin Jia (10) said.

Though the Apple Watch comes with many capabilities, it does not fully replace the iPhone. A bluetooth connection between the watch and an app on the iPhone allows them to communicate.

The earliest date Apple Watch will begin shipping their pre-orders is April 24.