Red Cross Club holds annual blood drive in gym
Glenn Reddy (12) waits for his blood to be drawn by an American Red Cross volunteer. The Red Cross club partnered with the Red Cross to host the blood drive.
The Red Cross Club worked with representatives from the American Red Cross to organize a blood drive in the gym from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. today.
Red Cross staff took tests and drew blood while club members volunteered at the registration desk and the canteen.
While the event normally occurs twice in a school year, the administration only allowed the club to host one blood drive this year for the purpose of equal distribution of weeks dedicated to different clubs.
“The blood drive is always the Wednesday of our club week, and if we had two blood drives that would kind of feel like giving us two club weeks,” Club President Sabrina Sidhu (12) said. “If that week some other club had already reserved it, then we’re taking the attention away from them, which wouldn’t really be fair.”
Blood donors checked in at the registration area manned by club members and were given an informational booklet to ensure their eligibility. After being asked about their medical history in a private booth, those that met the necessary requirements donated about one pint of blood and obtained snacks from the canteen, a table for food and drink, in order to replenish their lowered sugar levels.
Volunteers from the Red Cross organization and associated club at Harker sat at the canteen to confirm donors’ wellbeing after giving blood.
“If [people get lightheaded or don’t feel well] we have a certain procedure that we go through to make sure that they’re okay and safe. The canteen is most important to make sure everyone is feeling okay before they head out because you don’t want them fainting out there. You’d rather have a happy donor,” canteen volunteer Michelle Diaz said.
While Angela Kim (10), a member of Red Cross Club, was unable to partake in the donation itself, her involvement at the blood drive still gave her the opportunity contribute to the cause.
“I like helping people, except I can’t do the donating thing myself, but I can still be a part of it,” Angela Kim (10) said.
Although first time blood donor Harry Xu (12) has never personally needed a blood transfusion, he wished to aid those that do and contribute to the cause.
“I felt that if I need [a blood transfer] in the future I would give some right now, and it would balance out like that,” he said. “If I didn’t need it, it’s sort of my donation in a sense, since I believe you can donate time, effort or blood, and this is the third one.”
After a collaboration with DECA to construct disaster kits on Nov. 17, the blood drive concluded Red Cross Club’s events for the calendar year.

Kathy Duan is a senior and Co-Editor-in-Chief for TALON Yearbook. After three years on staff, she practically lives in the journalism room. She enjoys...