LIFE sessions begin with yoga workshop lead by instructor Jill Lacher


Stacey Chao

Jill Lacher guides Noel Banerjee (12), Christina Andrus (12), Ishanya Anthapur (12), and Samantha Madala (12) through breathing exercises during fifth period lunch. Lacher and Ms. Jane Keller met each other through a Bikram yoga class, and Keller invited Lacher to come teach these sessions at the Upper School.

Beginning the series of LIFE sessions to help students relieve stress and feel more relaxed, a balance workshop was held today with yoga instructor Jill Lacher during both lunches in the Innovation Center.

The workshop is one of the first LIFE sessions that have been offered during lunch. The students on the LIFE Board aim to offer different opportunities to help the community relax, but due to workload and structures, it has been hard finding an appropriate time for students to enjoy and participate in the sessions.

“Personally, I would like to find a way to offer students a place and time during the day to just be still and unplug,” Jane Keller, Director of the LIFE Board, said. “[The students]  need to know how helpful it is to daydream and reflect.  A few minutes of mindful activity can do wonders to our capacity to do work.”

During the session, students learned about the mental and physical benefits of yoga, practiced breathing techniques and ended the session with bagged lunches and a short conversation with Lacher, who used to work with at-risk teenagers until she moved to the Bay Area.

According to those who attended, the techniques Lacher showed the students helped them deal with stress, even during the middle of class.

“Her breathing exercises were a lot more useful that I expected them to be,” Samantha Madala (12) said. “I usually feel really tired throughout the middle of the day, but just doing the exercises for two minutes made me feel so much better.”

Seniors found the session to be especially useful. As deadlines for college applications approached, yoga helped provide a sense of the relief for seniors still struggling with completing applications.

Ishanya Anthapur (12) had learned about meditation and yoga in World Religion classes, but decided to attend the workshop to experience it firsthand.

“She gave us a lot of cute tips that we [could] use to stay calm throughout the day,” Ishanya said. “Like trying not to slump forward, or taking a deep breath once in a while.”

The LIFE Board plans to hold two more yoga sessions with Lacher on Dec. 2 and Dec. 9 during both lunches. By then, the Board hopes that the students will learn enough techniques to help them live a balanced lifestyle.