In a Nutshell: Grilled Steak and Garlic Compound Butter

Arguably, the sizzle of something hitting a hot pan is the best sound in the world. And arguably, the slowly melting butter glistening over perfectly light brown grill marks is the most satisfying sight in the world. And somehow, we have achieved both. And now we present to you how you can experience this transcendental sensation through the magic that is the cross-section cut of a perfectly grilled steak.




    Difficulty: Compound butter: easy. Steak: Medium

    Length: 10 minutes to prep butter + 5 minutes, tops, to grill steak

    Methods of cooking: Grilling

    Keep in mind: Make sure you let the steak rest a little before cutting into it–otherwise the juices will leak and the meat will be dry.

    Note from Fred: Remember to sear the sides of the steak too, so all that juicy goodness is locked in your beautiful golden brown sear

    Note from Priscilla: Beautifully placed grill marks are the best way to a person’s heart.

    Why we made it: Prom dinner.

    Why you should make it: A good steak = a happy camper


    Compound Butter

      1 stick butter, softened

      1 layer of half an onion, finely diced (1-2 tbsp)

      1-2 cloves garlic, finely diced

      small handful of parsley (1-2 tbsp), finely chopped

      salt and pepper to taste

    Grilled Steak

      steak – we used the rib-eye cut, which is really good for grilling (We recommend 8 ounces a person)

      salt to taste

      pepper to taste


    Grill pan / cast-iron skillet / barbeque (we used a grill pan)


    Cling film

    Cutting board/Knife