AP Survival Guide

With fruit, water, and test prep books, students can successfully survive the next few weeks of APs.

As tests and APs loom over campus, many students can find themselves losing their sleep, health, and sanity. With these five tips, any student can survive these exhausting weeks.

1. Hydrate yourself

When studying for long periods of time, some students may feel tired, sad, and sleepy because of a lack of hydration. By drinking six glasses of water each day, a student feels more energized than a student who only drinks two glasses of water. If a student keep a big bottle of water in a backpack or near a desk, take a few sips every hour to be more concentrated while studying!

2. Take study breaks

While studying is inevitable during these weeks, students can prevent themselves from burning out by taking 10 minute study breaks. Instead of studying for three hours at a time, try to stop every hour to open your window or take a ten minute walk outside. Taking a break helps people pause and refocus while studying.

3. Sleep, Sleep, Sleep

Sleep is crucial for any person to concentrate on studying. While any time for relaxation may seem impossible, try to sleep even in ten minute intervals. By sleeping in the car, hallway, or even during a ten minute break, a student can gain some energy to make it through the day.

4. Eat healthy foods

Pizza, fries, chips, and doughnuts are not study-foods because they cause laziness and lethargy. In order to have energy to study and remember the material, try to eat fruits and foods without grease during these next few weeks.