Key Club kicks off Club Week

Alex Jang

Students swarm around the Key Club table after school to buy food. Baked goods sold for various amounts of money and frozen yogurt was sold for $5.

Key Club is raising money for the Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation’s Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP) during its club week this week.

PTP’s mission statement, according to its website, “is to develop local projects which will reduce the number of children in our three-state District [California, Nevada, and Hawaii] who are killed or injured by trauma, ensuring all children live happy, healthy and safe lives.” It also states that pediatric trauma is the biggest contributor to death and injury rates in the United States for those 14 years old and younger.

In order to raise money for PTP, club members will have baked goods, Pinkberry frozen yogurt, and AP test survival kits—which include rubber ducks, bubbles, bubble wrap, and candy—for sale throughout the week.

“We had a tradition of selling frozen yogurt, so we just continued our tradition from last year,” Key Club member Panny Shan (10) said.

Key Club sold original, chocolate hazelnut, vanilla bean, and tangerine-flavored frozen yogurt today. Meanwhile, various club members, like sophomore Chandini Thakur, helped make food such as cookies for the bake sales.

“The bake sales are a huge source of profit for Key Club especially because so many members love to bake,” said Chandini, who made dulce de leche brownies. “A lot of people tell me they really enjoy the baked goods I make because they tend to be different from the usual kinds of things people sell.”

Key Club also has sticky notes available for students to write messages to their teachers as part of Teacher Appreciation Week—students who do will receive a free treat. Members also plan to sell smoothies as part of “Thirsty Thursday.”

“I’m excited for Thirsty Thursday,” Key Club secretary Austin Lai (11) said. “It’s gonna be [very] hot.”

More information about PTP can be found on its website. Key Club will continue to sell until Friday after school.