Upper School performs “The Wedding Singer”


Meilan Steimle

Jeton Guitierrez-Bujari (11) and Ishanya Anthapur (11) perform “Move that Thang.” This song also featured spotlight dancers.

The cast of The Upper School’s production of “The Wedding Singer” performed for the fourth and final time yesterday evening at the middle school campus.

“The Wedding Singer,” which is based on a 1998 movie starring Adam Sandler, follows Robbie (Ian Richardson, 12), a New Jersey wedding singer, and Julia (Shenel Ekici, 12), who must fight poor timing and misunderstandings to end up together. To add to the complications, both Robbie and Julia are engaged to other people, Robbie to Linda (Caroline Howells, 11) and Julia to Glen (Glenn Reddy, 11). Other characters include Robbie’s band-mates Sammy (Kevin Moss, 12) and George (Jeton Gutierrez-Bujari, 11), and Julia’s cousin Holly (Namrata Vakkalagadda, 12)

The musical, which held auditions over four months ago, was also performed Thursday evening, Friday evening, and Saturday afternoon. Tickets were sold for $8.

The performances were very popular with the audience, garnering cheers, laughs, and copious applause throughout the night.

Everything was always moving behind the scenes as well as backstage. The set, which comprised a fold-out backdrop and multiple moving set-pieces, was in constant transition from weddings to Robbie’s bedroom to Wall Street to more weddings.

“I love it,” said Sana Aladin (9) during intermission. “I really like the music because it’s really pop-rockish, which is kind of like the music I regularly listen to.”

Other audience members appreciated the musical for its humor.

“I think it’s good to have something funny,” Reena Sandhu (11) said. “I haven’t seen a good funny musical in a while, and I like this. It’s a change from last year definitely.”

The audience was composed of a varied crowd, even containing a few adults who were not Harker parents.

Senthil Kumar, whose niece and nephew study at Harker (but were not in the musical), came with his wife. “It’s quite fast paced and complicated, and they put a lot of work into it. It’s very creative.”

The spring musical was an experience for the performers as well as the audience members. Michael Jin (9), who had an ensemble role in “The Wedding Singer,” reflects on his experience.

“Since the first day of rehearsal, I knew this would be an experience I wouldn’t forget,” he said. “Performing the show gave me a huge sense of satisfaction and it was a blast working with all the other cast members from the start to the last bow. Even though it’s only been one day since the last performance, I already miss the fun, energetic, familial, and awesome experience I had.”