Senator Yee arrested for alleged crimes
Yee steps down from position, faces weapons-smuggling charges
State Senator Leland Yee was recently arrested after an FBI investigation allegedly implicated him in political corruption and gun-trafficking charges.
The charges accuse Yee of smuggling weapons illegally in exchange for campaign money for his shot at Secretary of State. Since his arrest, however, he has dropped out of the running. On March 28, he stepped down from his job as State Senator from District 8, which includes San Francisco.
“I think it’s a real shame that a politician that was so respected before was corrupted by personal interests,” said Felix Wu (11). “He’s fought so hard for a number of progressive issues and for the East Asian community, so it’s just shocking to see that he’s been exploiting his role as an elected official.”
Many people are now discussing the hypocrisy of Lee’s actions as he was both a supporter of tighter gun control laws as well as limiting the influence of money on a political campaign.
“I am proud to stand with the California Clean Money Campaign,” Yee said in a 2012 press release. “It is imperative that we update our laws to limit the influence of money in our political system.”
Some of the evidence against Yee consists of audio clippings from undercover FBI agents who set up meetings with Yee to discuss various illegal activity including arms deals and marijuana distribution.
According to the Sacramento Bee, Yee acted in order to gain more money for his campaign Secretary of State, especially after he lost the race for Mayor in 2011, which put him into debt.
“It’s awful that he broke the law and actively supported criminals,” said junior Ayush Midha. “But more importantly, as an elected official, he failed to meet his responsibility to his constituents and has set a terrible example for the community.”
This piece was originally published in the pages of the Winged Post on April 4, 2014

Alyssa Amick (12) is the Co- Editor in Chief of Harker Aquila. She has been part of the journalism program since her freshman year. Her favorite part of...