Upper School campus experiences blackout

The Upper School campus experienced a blackout yesterday afternoon that lasted until approximately 3:20 p.m.

Classrooms across campus were left without lighting for about 20 minutes during eighth period. During the blackout, Dean of Students Kevin Williamson made an announcement reassuring students and teachers about the situation.

“It [was] been sit-tight business as usual on a day like today,” Lawson said. “If we had a really hot day with no air conditioning, we might think about… having people go outside or cancelling classes. But that’s just a ‘what-if’.”

According to Lawson, classes continued largely uninterrupted through the blackout.

“[Our class] kept going. We were going to watch a movie, and we weren’t able to, so we just had free time to do homework,” Pooja Kini (9) said.

Some students used flashlight apps on their phones to see in the dark, while others moved outside their classrooms to work in better lighting conditions.

“Everyone got out their phones and turned on the flashlight app,” Harry Xu (11) said. “Then it was like a campfire, until the lights came back on, and we were like […] this is over.”

No further electricity interruptions occurred that day after the power was restored.