Lacrosse and baseball games cancelled due to weather
Poor weather forced the cancellation of a baseball and lacrosse game, as well as numerous practices after school today.
The lacrosse team was scheduled to play Santa Catalina High School. Head Coach Andrew Irvine decided to cancel the game after a discussion with both the athletic director Dan Molin and the other team’s coach.
“We rarely cancel anything in lacrosse, when I played in high school we would play in the snow, down pours of rain, it’s part of the game,” he said. “This was not a league game. We looked at the weather report: there was a severe weather warning from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association) saying that there would be really cold weather. There were possible thunderstorms, severe precipitation, and maybe even hail.”
Similarly, the baseball team’s trip to play Trinity Christian in Monterey was cancelled due to the rain.
“We are all really disappointed because we heard that the Monterey field is really nice. It’s a turf field,” team member David Lin (11) said. “We were all very excited, so we were disappointed when we saw the game was rained out.”
Many practices were also cancelled due to the rain. Blackford’s dirt track flooded and thus the track practice was cancelled. Shotput and discus throwers were able to practice on the field outside of the athletic training room.
Additionally, the swim team cancelled its practice.
“I think it’s really quite a shame that practice was cancelled because it doesn’t give us the opportunity to continue improving,” swimmer Delaney Martin (11) said. “Swimming is a sport that requires pretty constant practice in order to maintain speed and technique, so missing a couple days, including weekend days, can be pretty detrimental. However, it’s probably for the best because safety is more important than winning.”
Tennis practice was also cancelled.
Although the softball team was unable to play to on the Blackford field, they moved its practice indoors to the Saratoga Gym. There, the girls worked with athletic trainer Jaron Olson on speed and agility.
NOAA predicts showers for much of the rest of the week.

Alyssa Amick (12) is the Co- Editor in Chief of Harker Aquila. She has been part of the journalism program since her freshman year. Her favorite part of...