Seniors win first in holiday window painting


Neha Sunil

Walter White, the main character from the popular but no longer airing show Breaking Bad, stares at passersby. Cheryl Liu (11) freehanded the face with Expo marker while other juniors painted in the outlines from the other side of the glass.

During today’s class meeting, officers announced the results of the holiday window painting competition: seniors in first, followed by the juniors, freshmen, and finally the sophomores.

The senior class started painting first, with an image of Charlie Brown and Lucy, labeled “Dradler” and “Miss Deacon” respectively, and Snoopy beside them hanging stockings. Senior class spirit coordinator Kenny Zhang drew the design and put it up on Facebook. After receiving several likes, the image was approved for the window.

“I expected the seniors to win because we actually finished a day before the deadline and we spent a lot of time focusing on details,” Sahithya Prakash (12) said. The freshmen actually did a really good job, like they were right next to us working at the same time we were. I didn’t really pay attention to the juniors and sophomores, but I was just happy that the seniors won.”

The juniors, on the other hand, started the day before the work was due. Unlike the generally cheerful depictions of its counterparts, the painting paid homage to the show Breaking Bad with a 5-foot-tall head of a stern Walter White. Due to the urging of Spirit Club officers, holiday spirit peered out of a painted crack in the window in the form of a fireplace scene.

“I felt like everyone’s was pretty good this year, but I was really proud of ours,” Suzy Luo said. “The seniors used Charlie Brown, which a lot of people like, but other than that, what makes it first? It’s not more creative.”

The freshman beat the sophomores with a Dr. Seuss-inspired portrayal of a girl perched on top of an icy cliff with steaming mugs of hot chocolate dangling in the sky amidst snowflakes. Above, they wrote “FROSH BITE” in iced block letters.

“Each one was unique in its own way, so it really could have been anyone’s win,” Eddie Shiang, freshman vice-president and the pun creator, said. “Nevertheless, I am glad the seniors won. Honestly, I was quite relieved that we freshmen didn’t place last!”

Despite following the same cartoon-based strategy as the victorious seniors, the sophomores came in last. Although the designers originally wanted to paint Charlie Brown, the plan changed because the seniors claimed the theme by starting first. Instead, the painting included Garfield riding a sleigh led by Odie over a city-scape.

“Honestly, I was very surprised with the results. I was actually expecting to get at least second place,” sophomore class president Michael Zhao said.

Other sophomores disagreed after considering the competition.

“All of the class’ windows were gorgeous. I can understand the ranking. Although I was hoping for a higher position, I can’t help but agree that the freshmen did a great job on their first year,” Shannon Hong (10) said.

Whether continuing a successful tradition or raising eyebrows by opposing it, despite the competition, the window painters ultimately worked together to add even more holiday spirit to the lunchroom.