About Aquila

Harker Aquila is the online student run publication of The Harker School in San Jose, California. We strive to create and publish accurate, relevant content while maintaining diverse coverage of all corners of our community, from our entrepreneurial essence to our cultural vitality. We act as a beacon of truth and comfort to the Harker community as we tackle challenges and moral dilemmas. As scholastic journalists, we aim to forge meaningful relationships with our readers through localized coverage and a firm commitment to journalistic ethics.
All content decisions are made by the editorial staff.
Opinions and letters represent the personal viewpoint of the author and not the school or this publication.
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Harker Aquila welcomes reader comments on its website. However, any comment reflecting baseless accusations, insults, libelous statements or obscenities will be removed from the site.
Letters to the Editor should be submitted electronically to [email protected]. The editors reserve the right to edit letters for length and/or to conform to the style of the publication. Insults, libelous statements, obscenities and letters that call for disruptive or violent actions will not be considered for publication.
Work on the site is created by Harker students, and they hold the copyright to this content. Requests for republication may be submitted to [email protected].
Please reach out to us here: