10 ways to prepare for the holidays

Take advantage of the huge holiday sales! Many people got their whole family involved by picking shops that each member wanted to go to.

Glance over at the calendar hanging on your wall. It’s that time of year again when preparations for the coming holidays are in full swing. No matter what you are celebrating, there are 10 ways everyone can prepare for the festivities.

1. Decorate – Deck the halls, literally! Pick out a tree, put up some lights, or select some wreaths.

2. Shop – Everyone loves giving and receiving presents. Whether it is a Christmas-themed sweater or the latest electronic, shopping for friends and family is a great way to show your holiday spirit.

3. Food – Bake an old-fashioned pumpkin pie or try out a new recipe. Food warms your heart as much as it does your stomach and brings family and friends together.

4. Family & Friends – Take time out of your hectic schedule to just relax and enjoy the company of family and close friends. Sometimes the best gift is giving your time.

5. Music & Books – Turn on the radio or find a festive Spotify playlist to set the mood for your holiday season. Then curl up next to the fireplace with a good book and a mug of hot chocolate.

6. Movies – Check out the latest releases, re-watch your favorites, or dig up some Christmas classics.

7. Going Out – Rally your friends and find a local attraction to attend. Ice skating, plays, fairs, parades, shows, tree lightings–the list is endless.

8. Giving Back – The holidays are a time for giving…back. Donating just a few cans of food, a children’s toy, or lightly used clothing can make a huge difference to the less fortunate. So take the opportunity to brighten up someone else’s holiday season.

9. Reconnect – Call up an old friend or a distant relative you have not spoken to in a while. Spend quality time with a sibling or pet. The holidays are all about the people around you.

10. Traditions – Last but not least, do not forget to participate in old traditions! Whether it be baking a signature pie or decorating the house a certain way every season, traditions bring people closer together and help you remember your heritage and roots.