The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

The student news site of The Harker School.

Harker Aquila

Humans of Harker: Flying with determination

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So my dad, he got me an RC remote control model airplane as a birthday gift. And I flew that around all the time whenever we went to a small park. I just fell in love with aviation. This once again just reassured me like this is what I want to achieve one day; I really want to be a pilot.

So I joined the group or the chapter that hosted this, it was called the Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 20. The mentors saw that I was pretty dedicated. I was coming in almost every weekend to come and build part of the tail, and they’re like, “Hey, you seem like a really dedicated person. Why don’t you apply for the scholarship? It’ll actually get you into flight training.” So I gave it a shot, I applied, I got all the recommendations and everything, and soon enough, I was in the air flight training.

One major challenge was staying motivated. People think that you have this really great passion and then you’ll go after it every day, but it’s hard when you realize the amount of work that it takes. And I think what kept me motivated the most was the community I talked it through with some of the mentors there, like “Hey, you know, I’m really grateful for this opportunity. You guys gave me this scholarship, but it’s a struggle with school, with family, and a bunch of other extracurriculars. It’s a struggle to stay motivated for this, for this hobby.” And they told me that each and every one of them went through the same doubtful phase, that they weren’t sure that they could make it. But they’re always like “Hey, look at the bigger picture, look in the long run. Once you get your license, it’s going to be rewarding. It’s going to be the most rewarding thing you’ve ever gotten. All the hard work is going to pay off. Don’t worry about it.” So little things like that from the community just really helped me stick through it and they were right. It’s been really rewarding.

This isn’t really related to aviation but just in general it’s getting 1% better every day. Try to be the best person you can every day. It’s because math is exponential. Right? So it’s compounded. If you get 1% better every day, over 365 days, you’re winning in life. So don’t really dwell on things in the past. See if you can be a better person than you were yesterday and that’s what I try to do.

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About the Contributors
Brandon Zau
Brandon Zau, Photo Editor
Brandon Zau (12) is the photo editor for Harker Aquila, and this is his fourth year on staff. This year, Brandon hopes to celebrate his senior Class of 2024 peers and to tell the stories of the Harker community through meaningful photos and coverage. In his free time, Brandon enjoys taking candid pictures of his friends, listening to music and playing baseball.
Aishani Singh
Aishani Singh, Co-Multimedia Editor
Aishani Singh (11) is the co-multimedia editor for Harker Aquila, and this is her third year on staff. This year, Aishani wants to interview more members of the Harker community and create more podcasts. In her free time, she likes to listen to music and watch Gilmore Girls.

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