Taking a deep breath, Nila Dharmaraj (’24) stands in front of the judges, ready to present her hard work. Though filled with nervous energy, she commits to finishing her performance. As Nila began to sing, her voice filled the room, sounds of classical opera reverberating around the hall. Hitting each note, her nervousness melted away, leaving only the pure, powerful resonance of her voice.
Nila’s love for singing dates back to her childhood when she started at five years old. After initial reluctance, Nila discovered a newfound enjoyment at her first class and started practicing regularly.
This initial reluctance soon gave way to curiosity and turned into a genuine love for singing. As Nila continued her lessons and practiced diligently, her talent shined through, setting her on a path toward musical excellence that she followed with dedication.
“I’m a bit of a perfectionist,” Nila said. “So learning the notes and getting the tools and the writing when it comes to singing is really satisfying to me. I think it’s empowering that music can be so meaningful and can impact so many people, which is something I like to express through singing.”
Significant milestones, including participating in the Trinity Singing Exams, punctuate Nila’s vocal music journey. These exams, administered by the Trinity School of Music, include a rigorous and prestigious series of evaluations that test vocal prowess and proficiency in classical and opera singing through eight different tests. Nila’s journey through these exams involved meticulous preparation and a commitment to honing her skills in music.
“There are different levels and then you pick a certain number of classical opera songs that they provide to you from a booklet and then one other additional warm up song,” Nila said. “There are different ranges, so you pick the range that best fits you and you take the test. Once you pass a certain level, you are qualified to sing in an opera.”
Singing also brought its fair share of challenges for Nila. During her earlier years in high school, Nila found that her voice did not sound the way she hoped it would, and she struggled with reaching higher notes. To combat this challenge, she kept practicing regularly with her coach to refine her skills.
“I’ve worked on these problems and on vibrato,” Nila said. “My coach and I would try different warmups everyday that helped me get closer and closer to mastering the techniques with different songs. Eventually it came naturally.”
Alongside her music journey, Nila makes time for supporting her friends. Close friend Smrithi Sambamurthy (‘23) reflects on Nila’s caring nature and her willingness to listen to whatever Smrithi has to say.
“She never judges me for what I say,” Smrithi said. “She’s very supportive in that sense and is accepting of where I am coming from. She acknowledges that everyone has their own past. That’s how it is. That’s also how we connect because we think the same.”
Several people share this enjoyment of Nila’s kindness and warmth. Upper school math teacher Caren Furtado, who taught Nila AP Calculus AB in her junior year, recalls Nila constantly being surrounded by her peers and always willing to lend a hand when needed.
“Nila doesn’t hold grudges, so it’s very easy to get along with her,” Furtado said. “She is also very optimistic in her relationships, and that always makes all her relationships happier. It’s really great to be friends with Nila. She’s also very kind, so if somebody needs something, and Nila has whatever they need, it doesn’t take five minutes to get it.”
Reflecting on her time with Nila, Anya Chauhan (’24) shares the similar sentiment and opinion of Nila. She remembers whenever Nila helped her during rough times and always lent her a shoulder.
“One of Nila’s biggest strengths is how much she cares about people,” Anya said. “Sometimes it gets to the point where she cares about other people more than that herself, and she’s really selfless in the best ways. She reaches out a lot, and if you don’t respond to her, she’ll reach out and check in with you to make sure you are okay.”
Whether in her relationships with friends or singing, Nila always engages and immerses herself fully. To her, singing serves as a constant in her life, providing comfort and relief from stress. It serves as a source of solace during stressful times, allowing her to unwind and connect with her emotions. Nila values the ability of music to unite people across cultures and backgrounds and hopes to continue in the future as a hobby for herself.
“Music is something I can talk about with strangers; everyone around the world listens to music,” Nila said. “It’s easy to connect with people through a favorite song or artist. Music is a universal language that brings people together. It can be so empowering. It’s so cool how an artist can write a song about something they’re going through, and billions of people around the world can relate.”