Sophomores and juniors take PSAT exam, frosh participate in annual service trips
Students fill out PSAT registration in their advisory. The sophomore and junior classes took the PSATs on Wednesday.
The sophomore and junior classes took the annual Preliminary SAT (PSAT) examination from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday morning while the frosh class embarked on their yearly community service trip.
Testing for the sophomores and juniors took place at several different locations across campus including the Nichols atrium and Shah Hall. For sophomores, the exam served as practice for next year’s PSAT and other upcoming standardized tests such as the SAT, while the PSAT scores for the junior class will determine those eligible for the coming year’s United States National Merit Scholarship program.
“Personally for me, I don’t get pressured under time because when I’m feeling the pressure, I automatically just tell myself to stay calm and be logical about everything,” test-taker Julie Shi (11) said.
Students arrived on campus by 7:30 a.m. in order to take the test by 8 a.m., in accordance with the on-time testing guidelines outlined by College Board.
“It was nice that we were each in separate classrooms with our advisories,” Valerie Li (10) said. “It made [the exam] less stressful. For me, it was pressure free.”
English teachers also provided SAT practice and instruction to students in preparation for the exam, as well as test-taking advice.
“I think I could have taken advantage of the preparatory materials that our English teachers gave us, but I think because it’s still sophomore year, I didn’t put much into preparation,” Ananya Das (10) said.
As the sophomores and juniors took the PSAT, the frosh class participated in their annual community service trip. The entire class split between the Santa Cruz mountains, the Rose Garden, and Coyote Creek for their service activities.
“In our designated areas we started pulling the vines and ivy off of the land,” Pavitra Kasthuri (9) said. “We got to just chill with our advisory and do some manual labor lugging all of the bags down.”
As these activities took place for the other classes, seniors took the day off to work on college applications and rest.

Hima Thota (12) is a Managing editor for the Harker Aquila, and this is her fourth year on staff. Hima looks forward to capturing student and campus life...

Angelina Hu (12) is the co-editor-in-chief of the TALON Yearbook, and this is her fourth year on staff. This year, Angelina wishes to meet all of her deadlines...