Class of 2020: Humans of Harker compilation, part five
Due to the unprecedented circumstances surrounding COVID-19, our seniors cannot experience their spring semester and graduation in its traditional format. Yet, we want to honor the Class of 2020 and celebrate together. In this spirit, we present to you our fifth installment of a six-part series of “Class of 2020: Humans of Harker.” These profiles have been published individually over the course of the year but we wanted to bring them together in curated groups this month, as our seniors get ready to graduate. We hope you will take the time to know and discover the collective story of our senior class: their experiences, their life advice, the reminiscences about the past and their hopes for the future.

Saloni Shah (12) is the editor-in-chief of Humans of Harker. This is her fourth year on staff. She loves to spend time with the rest of the staff and...