Humans of Harker: Meaningful meetings
Asmit Kumar (12) finds happiness in opportunity
“Soccer is a means of expressing myself. I play midfielder, which means that I have to think of creative or interesting ways of working with the team to score around defenders. To me, part of my want to be adventurous and fun to be around is rooted in my role as a midfielder,” Asmit Kumar (12) said.
As Asmit Kumar (12), clad in a green Harker jersey and high socks over his shins, receives the ball with the inner side of his blue and white cleats, teammates immediately cry out for a chance to score. His eyes darting from one side to the next, he analyzes each possible path past a defender, and in one smooth motion his cleats slam into the turf, and he changes direction, swiftly launching the ball past the defense into the waiting feet of his forwards.
“Soccer is a means of expressing myself. I play midfielder, which means that I have to think of creative or interesting ways of working with the team to score around defenders. To me, part of my want to be adventurous and fun to be around is rooted in my role as a midfielder,” he said.
For Asmit, soccer serves as a way to connect with other people and build tighter bonds with his teammates.
“If you look on the soccer field, even during a game, you can see us smiling and laughing after almost every play. At that point it’s not even about the soccer, it comes down to playing and enjoying time with my best friends,” he said. “Being able to play with a group of players that play their heart out for everyone else on the team is really something special, and at the end of the day, my teammates are what make it all worth it.”
His friends have found that this philosophy has allowed Asmit to become a mentor on the team and impact his teammates outside of soccer.
“He’s a good role model on and off the field for the younger guys on the team. There have been times where they go to him for advice whether it be for soccer or school or just personal stuff, and it’s obvious that he’s always looking out for them and always willing to extend a helping hand,” friend Shomrik Mondal (12) said.
Best friend, teammate and captain Andrew Cheplyansky (12), who affectionately refers to Asmit as Azzy, shares this sentiment.
“Azzy and I have played soccer together for over seven years now, and most of the goals I have scored have come from his assists. He’s just that kind of person. It’s not always about him, and he’ll be there to help you when you need him,” he said. “He’s very friendly and easy-going. And whenever something happens, he’s understanding and won’t hold a grudge. One time in middle school I injured him during lunch four times in the same week, and he didn’t get mad at me.”
At first, Asmit seems like a carefree athlete in his own world, but he seeks to pursue medicine and applies a similar thought process in volunteering at Sutter Health Urgent Care.
“What actually makes volunteering so much fun is the fact that I am able to interact with so many patients. Many of these people aren’t feeling too well obviously, so being able to comfort them and just have a conversation is pretty cool,” he said. “I’ve learned the importance of compassion in both the medical field, and more importantly, life. As I’ve been going through this last year of high school, I’ve realized how important always being there and having a sense of compassion is.
Last summer marked a turning point for Asmit. After beginning his volunteership, he decided to work as a server at a nearby Indian restaurant, named Mumbai Local hoping to enjoy a work environment filled with human to human interactions.
“I wanted to work somewhere that allows me to talk to as many people as possible. I find it really interesting to talk to these people as I am able to hear from so many different personalities in just one night. It almost adds a sense of mystery to my job. There’s something about being able to discover the multitude of personalities that walk through the door that I find really enjoyable,” he said.
Whether it be playing soccer, volunteering at a hospital or waiting tables, Asmit pursues every opportunity to develop new friendships built upon meaningful interactions.

Srinath Somasundaram (12) is the managing editor of the Winged Post. This is his fourth year on staff, and he aims to improve his designing abilities and...