Humans of Harker: Framing life with a positive outlook
Kevin Chen (12) displays his outgoing personality through photography
“I think the most important decision I’ve made is consciously trying to be outgoing and being a positive influence instead of a negative one. I try to make other people’s lives a little better whether it’s being funny or being someone they can talk to. Anything really to make them laugh. I think that’s a really good thing that I want to take upon myself. I feel like more people should do that and see its impact,” Kevin Chen (12) said.
One eye closed in concentration while the other resides behind his pitch-black lens, the young man turns toward the impressive skyline in the distance. As he gently presses down on the nodule protruding from the camera body, the image gradually comes into focus. The snap of the shutter immortalizes the scene in all of its beauty and grace.
Kevin Chen (12) is known for his successful shooting on the basketball court, but not many are aware of his ability to shoot beautiful scenes with a camera. A self-taught photographer who actively began taking photos in his junior year, Kevin travels to many cities shooting landscapes and nature and looking to improve his shooting techniques.
“I do photography to let go. To separate myself from the everyday noise of being a student. It allows me to destress and have some time by myself to make what I want to make,” Kevin said.
Kevin has gained many experiences from different cities during his photography trips. From sharing his photos with the people he meets to reaching out to those who need help in managing their lives, Kevin’s outgoing nature is evident.
“I think the most important decision I’ve made is consciously trying to be outgoing and being a positive influence instead of a negative one. I try to make other people’s lives a little better whether it’s being funny or being someone they can talk to,” Kevin said. “Anything really to make them laugh. I think that’s a really good thing that I want to take upon myself. I feel like more people should do that and see its impact.”
Kevin’s friends value both his personality and his ability to take photos, as they have become models for many of his elaborate portraits. Vance Hirota (12), one of Kevin’s close friends since kindergarten, has noted the aptitude Kevin has for photography.
“During our junior year summer, when he really got into photography, we would go out to scenic areas and he would take pictures of all of our friends for our Instagram. All of the photos were very impressive and I was very surprised that someone who didn’t have much professional experience in photography could take such amazing photos,” Vance said.
Although Kevin has only recently discovered his passion for photography, his innovativeness is apparent in his photos. In capturing the aesthetic individuality of many landscapes, Kevin displays his dedication to photography and the effort he puts into each photograph.
“Kevin takes an incredibly creative and uniquely stylistic approach to photography. He tries to take pictures in a way that no one else does and attempts to capture artistically pleasing photos. I think Kevin likes to be different, which manifests itself in his photography,” said Jason Pan (12), another of Kevin’s friends who has seen firsthand the result of Kevin’s passion.
In addition to photography, Kevin plays point guard for the Harker Varsity Basketball team and exercises regularly to stay in shape. For Kevin, working out is a form of discipline in which he is taking the initiative instead of just going with the flow.
“I’m competitive in the sense that I always want to be my best self. As far as everyone else, I don’t want to bring other people down and I want everyone to succeed,” Kevin said. ”I always want to see myself improve, but with other people, it is always a team effort.”
His team mindset in basketball also translates into his interactions at school. Kevin forms bonds with all of his classmates at school and tries to incorporate everyone into any activity he does. Furthermore, Kevin is willing to take risks and step out of his comfort zone whenever challenged. His adviser of four years, Donna Gilbert, speaks highly of his positive attitude and approach to life.
“He’s a social guy, but not in a way that’s exclusive. He tends to be super inclusive and nice to people. He’s definitely one of those kids who takes risks,” Gilbert said. “He does it with a great attitude. He’s always that fun person who is willing to do anything and help others out. I hope he keeps taking risks, doing what makes him happy and leading with his heart.”

Muthu Panchanatham (12) is the opinion editor of Harker Aquila and The Winged Post, and this is his fourth year on staff. This year, he is excited to cover...
Chia geek Liu • Jan 3, 2020 at 5:06 pm
Happy new year 2020.
Chiangwei Liu(Da Yi Ma)