Gradebook reports available on Wednesday
English teacher Christopher Hurshman assists sophomore Kathleen with her essay revisions. Gradebook reports come out on Wednesday afternoon.
Students will receive their first gradebook reports through the Portal on Wednesday afternoon.
For the past two years, students could view their gradebook reports more frequently throughout the year.
“I kind of like it, though, that it’s not just hanging over your head everyday, but it makes the one day you get to see them a little more stressful,” computer science teacher Marina Peregrino said. “Overall, I think it’s less stressful because it’s all about the learning. I think that the grades can be a distraction, so I think it’s kind of nice.”
Sophomore Elizabeth Schick provides her perspective on gradebook report.
“I kind of know how I’m doing in all my subjects, so it’s not going to be a huge surprise,” Elizabeth said. “[My parents] know how I’m doing. As long as I’m trying my best, they’re usually okay with it.”
Although students have received updates regarding their grades every year, seniors explain the difference between freshman and senior years.
“[Gradebook reports are] terrifying,” senior Lev Sepetov said. “Some colleges will see them. Freshman year has completely different class types. It was a lot more basic stuff. This year, it’s a lot more of what you want to do, it’s like choose your own adventure book. You can’t really say that the stress is less or more.”
Teachers believe that the gradebook reports provides an opportunity for students to prove their responsibility and maturity.
“The students should be able to go home and say, ‘I’ve done my test corrections, I understand it now,’ or even better, ‘I’ve taken another quiz in that subject and I’ve done better,’ before the parents even know the bad grade kind of thing, but the student who doesn’t take the mature route and doesn’t say anything, at least every month or so, everybody can see everything,” Academic Dean Evan Barth said.
This year, updated gradebooks are available on Oct. 14, Nov. 18 and Dec. 16, while final report cards are released on Jan. 22.

Jackie Gao (10) is in her second year on staff is a reporter of the Winged Post. Her favorite part of journalism is the ability to interact with various...