Homecoming Court results revealed today

Students view Homecoming results today in Manzanita.
The Homecoming Court results were posted in Manzanita Hall this morning.
The princesses and princes for the senior class are Shreya Dixit, Jessica “Fred” Chang, Savi Joshi and Shikhar Dixit, Alex Jang, and Sachin Peddada respectively. The student body will vote two of these candidates to be the Homecoming King and Queen.
“It was pretty unexpected, and I guess it’s a nice feeling to have been chosen, but at the same time I think everyone deserves to be recognized in some way,” Sachin said.
The freshmen elected Darren Gu (9) and Lauren Napier (9) to be their representatives. The sophomores chose Davis Howard (10) and Lindsey Trinh (10); the junior class chose Jack Rothschild (11) and Alexandra Dellar (11).
“I’m really grateful,” Lindsey said. “I’m glad that my classmates chose to vote for me as their princess.”
The Homecoming Court representatives from each class will participate in a relay during the Homecoming Rally on Oct. 3. Other responsibilities include driving onto the field with their respective class deans during halftime at the Homecoming game, going to a special dinner before the Homecoming dance on Oct. 11 and attending the dance itself.
“I’m not really sure what the responsibilities are,” Darren said. “But from what I know, it’s gonna be pretty fun.”
Students first nominated other students from their grade through online submissions on Athena2. Those who were nominated three times and accepted their nomination were added to the ballot. During the lunch elections, the student body voted for their respective class’ princes and princesses using post-it notes.
Lauren expressed her excitement for being chosen as her class’ elected princess as a freshman.
“Being the freshman princess will be a really memorable experience especially since this is my first year of high school,” Lauren said. “I hope the freshman class can find their spirit and bring it to homecoming to cheer Darren and me on during the relays.”
The student body will vote for the King and Queen next Wednesday. The results will be announced during halftime at the Homecoming game on Oct. 4.

Kshithija “KJ” Mulam (12) is the Winged Post Editor-in-Chief. Serving as the Winged Post News Editor in her junior year, Winged Post Photo Editor in...
Emma Yu (9) is a reporter for The Winged Post. In her free time, she usually draws, surfs the internet, and hopes for no tests in the upcoming weeks of...