Student council holds first meeting of the school year
Senior Class President Savi Joshi discusses the new dress code committee at yesterday’s student council meeting. Student and faculty representatives will form the committee.
The student council held its first meeting of the new school year yesterday after school at 3:45 p.m. at the innovation center.
The meeting was headed by ASB Vice President Jessica “Fred” Chang (12) and initiated conversations regarding dress code, Homecoming, the Capri Sun project, and minor comfort additions to Dobbins.
“The meeting was a great chance to get student council back in the swing of things, especially since we have so many things coming up soon like Homecoming,” ASB Treasurer David Lin (12) said. “Everyone seems very eager to get involved, so I’m looking forward to working with them this upcoming school year.”
In regards to dress code, student council discussed the creation of a dress code committee and brainstormed potential student candidates for the group. The establishment of this committee follows the controversy regarding the the dress code prior to the start of school.
“I think it is going to be a really good way to come up with a dress code that the students find reasonable and the faculty and parents find appropriate,” said Shreya Sunkara, junior class Treasurer. “The committee is a smart way to strike that balance, and hopefully we’ll be able to wring out all the immediate issues quickly and find something that works with everyone.”
The next topic of discussion, Homecoming, has also caused debate over the date of the dance, which is now confirmed for Saturday, Oct. 11, one week after the Homecoming game. Arjun Ashok (12), Class of 2015 Spirit Coordinator, expressed the need for student council’s involvement in preparing for both Homecoming week and the dance.
“It’s cool to be able to play a role in the creation of the dance,” Arjun said. “I’ve definitely had fun at Homecoming from freshman year to now, so it’s just nice being able to help make it a good experience for others.”
The council also discussed junior class President Michael Zhao’s Capri Sun project and its progress. Two large receptacles have been placed on either side of the Edge for students to dispose of Capri Sun pouches. Student council also came up with ideas for additions to Dobbins for the junior class. Some suggestions include incorporating cushions and other comfortable features.
Council members will present their ideas to the student body next Monday during school meeting.

Mariam Sulakian is the Features Editor of Harker Aquila. She has been a member of the journalism program for four years and appreciates the opportunities...

Fred Chang (12) is the Managing Editor of the TALON Yearbook and co-creator of In a Nutshell. Her positions on yearbook were reporter, Copy Editor, and...