Harker Bucket List

Special to Harker Aquila

A sea of white greeted the boys Varsity basketball team last year as they faced off against Sacred Heart Preperatory during the CCS finals. Cheering on your fellow Eagles while snacking on concessions or snuggling under blankets fosters school love.

A new school year calls for new pencils, new notebooks, new backpacks and new goals. Make it a point to check the six items below off your high school bucket list.

1.) Visit the Nichols rooftop garden.

If you’re currently pondering what exactly the Nichols rooftop garden is, all the more reason to add this item to your high school bucket list! Situated on the side of the reflective building, the garden overlooks the campus and is worth a visit.

2.) Go to a theater production.

Whether it be a lighthearted musical, a dramatic Shakespearean play or a quirky SDS show, treat yourself to a night at the theater. With several award-winning productions under its belt, the Harker Conservatory is sure to dazzle you with its talent and stage presence.

3.) Befriend a teacher you’re afraid of.

Though your first instinct when you see them approach you in the hallway may be to sprint frantically in the opposite direction, take a leap of faith, smile and strike up a conversation. Teachers at Harker have been known to participate in everything from kayak polo to tango, so it’s a safe bet that you’ll discover something incredibly interesting about them. A great friendship can come from the most unexpected of places.

4.) Go all out to ask someone to a school dance.

From flash mobs in the Manzanita patio to extravagant scavenger hunts, almost all of us have witnessed an epic promposal, Homecoming ask or Sadies ask. Channel your inner romantic and pull out all the stops to ask your significant other or friend to an upcoming dance you’ll never forget.

5.) Go nuts at a sporting event.

Basketball, football, tennis, wrestling, water polo, volleyball, lacrosse and more: the choice is yours. No cheating by leaving at halftime or between innings—give your athletes the respect they deserve. Cheering on your fellow Eagles while snacking on concessions or snuggling under blankets fosters school love. Don’t miss out on the chance to say that you saw your home team win a nail-biting game or advance to the CCS finals. High school is comprised of moments, so it pays to be there for the ones that count.

6.) Plan a weekly dress up day with your friends.

Harker students have organized everything from Frat Boy Friday to Wildcat Wednesday, so get creative and plan to coordinate outfits with your friends one day of the week, every week. Not only does the tradition make for a killer Facebook photo album, but the weekly ritual of disputing what to wear will bring you and your friends closer and become something you will look forward to.