Class of 2018 steps in
Last Thursday, while the sophomores and juniors enjoyed their class trips, the new Class of 2018 members bonded with their advisories and were welcomed onto the campus by the Link Crew with several team-building activities.
The event began at 10:15 a.m. at the Upper School. Freshmen were welcomed by the loud cheers of Link Crew, a group of upperclassmen who serve as mentors to the younger students. Freshmen ran through a huddle formed by the members of Link Crew to enter the Upper School campus.
Once they had met their new advisory groups, the freshmen played a game of icebreakers with the senior Link Crew members to meet new people.
The freshmen and Link Crew members then went to Davis field, where they participated in outdoor activities. Students played five different games, including “Ping Pong Pandemonium” and “Card Sorter,” which tested their coordination, communication, and teamwork skills. After concluding activities on the field, the freshmen went to the pool for a swim.
Rajiv Movva (9) enjoyed freshman orientation because he got an opportunity to spend the day with friends.
“It was great to meet all of the new students as well as my old friends and engage in a variety of exciting activities with them,” Rajiv said.
Many freshmen are excited to join high school for the new opportunities it has to offer.
“I’m looking forward to having more choices in academic [courses, sports, and clubs] and an increase in independence,” Jessica Wang (9) answered in a survey.
Though many students are looking forward to the freedom of high school, some feel they will need some time to adapt to the new environment at the Upper School.
“Moving from my middle school to Harker high school requires a lot of adjustments,” Abha Patkar (9), who was previously at Challenger, said. “I have to get used to the fact that the high school teachers do not care if you do not finish your homework or complete your essays. Also, I have to learn to adjust to the new responsibilities and commitments that come with high school.”
The Class of 2018 Dean Victor Adler agrees that there is “more freedom, more responsibility, and higher expectations” for the freshmen, but he thinks that they will enjoy their new rights.
Economics teacher Samuel Lepler echoed Abha’s thoughts and thinks that freshmen will need some time to adjust.
“The biggest adjustment is likely social,” Lepler said. “[Freshmen] will need to open to meeting new people and expanding their network of friends.”
Pauline Paskali, Upper School English teacher and Class of 2018 Advisor, agrees that there is a large transition for the freshmen.
“Finding a system of organization to balance fun and responsibilities will enable students to better appreciate and enjoy the new experiences of high school,” she said.
When asked to give a piece of advice for the incoming freshman, she responded with helpful tips that her previous advisory, members of the recently graduated Class of 2014, suggested. Some of the tips included making new friends, meeting new faces, and talking to new people.
The Class of 2018 will be meeting this Thursday for their next advisory while the other classes will be joining their Recreate Reading groups.

Vineet Kosaraju (12) is the STEM Editor for both Harker Aquila and Winged Post. He is a senior and has been part of the journalism program for the past...

Vedant Thyagaraj is the Science & Technology Editor for Harker Aquila. He is currently a senior and has been on staff for the past three years. Vedant...